since ancient times, the ancient greeks and romans have known about motion sickness, and even the us aeronautics and space administration (nasa) also recorded this problem. so, if

feeling unappreciated causes heartache and pain. here are 7 ways you can get rid of that awful feeling of being unappreciated and be happier in life.

journaling is a powerful exercise for self-discovery. want to know 5 reasons why a mood journal is good for your mental health? read this article.

there is a time and place for positivity and a time and place for compassion, acknowledgment, and validation. here are ways to avoid toxic positivity.

when someone does something to help us in some way, we feel grateful. and when we feel grateful, we also feel like we want to do something for the other person. what you are

if you want to know whether or not your man is the one, then the best thing you can do is listen to your gut. however, sometimes that feeling in your gut isn't enough, and you need

in modern society, it's often considered cool to pretend like you don't care about anything—what people think, what's going on in your community, and even how your own life is

empathy is the ability to feel what other people feel - the key to forming meaningful relationships and coexisting peacefully with others. some people are born with a natural

the death of a fictional character can feel shockingly upsetting and real. even though the character isn't a real person, you still can feel incredibly close to them. when your

in acting, modeling, and even business, presence (also commonly referred to as 'it') is an important part of getting people interested in you. in some spiritual circles, presence

being too light, asking for a little salt ... is a bland person who is not guilty, but if he wants to be more interesting, listening more and suggesting more opportunities is quite