• Static IP address or dynamic IP more secure?

    Static IP address or dynamic IP more secure?
    every device connected to the internet has its own ip (internet protocol) address, a unique string of numbers that distinguishes it from other machines.
  • Why is Localhost's IP address

    Why is Localhost's IP address
    127 is the last network number (network number) in network class a with subnet mask address is the first transfer address in the subnet. address is
  • What is a dynamic IP address?

    What is a dynamic IP address?
    dynamic ip addresses are ip addresses automatically assigned to each connection or node of the network, such as smartphones, desktops, wireless tablets or anything else.
  • What is DHCP or dynamic host configuration protocol?

    What is DHCP or dynamic host configuration protocol?
    dhcp (dynamic host configuration protocol or dynamic host configuration protocol) is a protocol used to provide fast, automated and centralized management for ip address
  • What is an IP address?

    What is an IP address?
    ip address (internet protocol ip) is the number of formats for a network hardware, devices that use ip addresses to communicate with each other over an ip-based network like the