Search results: cassini spacecraft

in the coming week, the cassini spacecraft will fly through saturn's atmosphere and crash into the planet's surface after 13 years of discovering its giant planet and moons.

several hours ago, nasa successfully tested the cassini spacecraft cruise around saturn. let's find out!

nasa's 3.26 billion cassini spacecraft just received the first strange sound in history from saturn.

the press conference to announce the extraterrestrial ocean world will be held at 1:00 am on april 14, vietnam time. this finding provides additional data for experts to further

1 hour this morning, nasa has officially announced the great discovery, enceladus - saturn's moon officially joins places that are likely to exist in the solar system.

nasa's cassini probe is coming closer to the unimaginable goal of approaching saturn's moon, fulfilling its 20-year mission before crashing into the planet on september 15.

below are impressive astronomical photos, becoming the invaluable asset of the human being that cassini spacecraft captured and sent.

the cassini spacecraft was launched by nasa in 2004, after 13 years of flying around saturn it captured beautiful images of this mysterious planet.