Protect privacy when uploading photos

Digital image files hold a lot of important information. Through them you can know the date and time of the photo shoot, the most recent date of change and other important information.

Dave Johnson

Network Administration - Digital image files hold a lot of important information. Through them you can know the date and time when the photo was taken, the most recent change date and information about exposure in the photo's metadata. You may also know that the photo can be taken from any camere model, detailed information about the lens and flash. You can also save your name, home address, and other privacy or inadvertent information that may interfere later when all those files are posted by you. To avoid unwanted things in the future, we will help you how to protect your personal data when uploading photos.

Inside data included with photos

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There is a lot of information hidden inside your photos that others may know. You can recognize all this information in Windows or use a photo manager. If using Windows Vista, for example, right-click on the image and select Properties. Then click on the Details tab , and now you will see a lot of metadata in your photos.

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Photo managers often arrange the same information in a most viewable way. Click on the image on the left and you can view the data in Windows Live Photo Gallery.

Most of that information is innocuous. Camera shutter speed and aperture setting. There is no significant future threat to that information. But what if you use a GPS device to locate the location of your photos? It must be helpful, but you certainly won't want to upload your own backyard GPS location to the web.

And then there are also keywords and tags. If you use a way to tag photos of your friends, relatives or colleagues with a nickname, for example, don't forget that if you upload it on a shared website, the tag content will come with it. That's why anyone who sees these photos will see that information.

Protect your privacy

If you don't want to share private information with the whole world, there's a way to get rid of all your personal information from your image files before uploading them to the Internet.

You can remove all the photos included with Windows itself if you are using Windows Vista. Just go to the Details tab in the Properties dialog box. At the bottom of the window, you will see a link to Remove Properties and Personal Information. Click on this link and all data attached to your photo will be removed from the image. You can even select a few photos and perform a split operation simultaneously.

Picture 3 of Protect privacy when uploading photos

If you are not using Windows Vista, or you want to find an easier way to remove data, try using the JPEG & PNG Stripper program. This free utility can do exactly what it promises: To use it, simply drag your image files into the Stripper window, then the data attached to the image will be deleted immediately. .

You may want to remove the data with the image only in the copy you want to upload or share it. If you use both methods to delete data, it will be lost forever. Do not perform with the original image file if you want to keep that information included on your computer, but only do it with the copy.

Update 25 May 2019


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