More flexible and efficient way to move in Apex Legends

These are the skills to move in Apex Legends that will help you gain the upper hand if you practice well

In addition to the things familiar to players who love Battle Royale genre such as ring bo, loot map, tactics and some common tricks, there is another attractive element that attracts many players in that Apex Legends. is movement skill.

If in other survival games, the move simply revolves around skills such as running, jumping, sitting, lying, crawling . then in Apex Legends users will combine the navigation keys to create It is very versatile and attractive to move skills, and if gamers are interested in moving like bunny, climbing walls, sliding . it is easier to be fascinated by these skills than others. in Apex Legends.

Some movement skills are used by many gamers in Apex Legends and very effective when fighting, if you do not know what skills are, you can refer to below this article.

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A few effective migration tips in Apex Legends

1. Bunny hop while healing

Picture 1 of More flexible and efficient way to move in Apex Legends

Normally when pumping blood, your character will slow down, but if you use bunny hop skills, you will not be limited to movement speed when pumping blood. This skill if you play Counter Strike, you will be familiar with it, it will help you both pump blood and flee quickly without fear of being disturbed while pumping blood.

To achieve this skill quite skillfully, you have to practice quite a lot, initially run , slide then jump . Next release the progress button, then hold down the sitting button and press the jump continuously. Then face the other direction, combined with the left / right key (face to face, press A, right, press D). If you are familiar with bunny hop, this will be a pretty good skill to use to run away from an enemy.

2. Skills to run the wall

Picture 2 of More flexible and efficient way to move in Apex Legends

This movement skill is quite useful when you use it in case of escape, first run forward, then use sliding, get close to the wall, press jump. When touching the wall, press the jump again to kick the wall to pop out. In Titanfall, this action will be very nice when done, but in Apex Legends it will look a bit "ridiculous".

3. Land faster

Picture 3 of More flexible and efficient way to move in Apex Legends

To land faster, when preparing to land, immediately before touching the ground, quickly press the melee key, (default is V key) to clear the landing animation, so you will be moved immediately. immediately and has the advantage of picking up equipment faster than an enemy.

4. Quick launch skill with Pathfinder

Picture 4 of More flexible and efficient way to move in Apex Legends

When you use Pathfinder's Grapple (Q key) launch skill and hit a remote location, immediately after the jump, Pathfinder will launch people in the air and fly to the destination, this way will be much faster than to swing there.

5. Slide backwards

Picture 5 of More flexible and efficient way to move in Apex Legends

This tip is quite simple to do, you just need to run the momentum forward, then jump up and turn your head back, right at this moment, press Ctrl (seat key). Your character will move backwards, although this skill is applied to the fighting, it is not as effective as the skills I mentioned above, but in some cases it will also create for You are a pretty cool murder scene.

So there are 5 quite effective movement skills that many gamers use in Apex Legends, practice and if you master all these skills, you will have a great advantage in the game. If you discover any skill, please share with us through the article below.

Update 23 May 2019


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