Manipulating a finger on the smartphone screen can also reveal the user's personal information

It may sound unbelievable, but researchers have recently announced the fact that how to swipe, pinch and touch the fingers on the phone screen can be used to track and steal user information.

It may sound unbelievable, but researchers have recently announced the fact that how to swipe, pinch and touch the fingers on the phone screen can be used to track and steal user information.

Last week, scientists from CSIRO Data61 (Australia) presented at the Barcelona Security Enhancement Seminar about their new finding, that " gestures on the touch screen are full of information." Information that identifies and tracks users ".

Picture 1 of Manipulating a finger on the smartphone screen can also reveal the user's personal information

Specifically, the research team conducted a test to collect touch data and swipe the screen from the user's finger through an application on Android. The results showed that the collected data can reveal 77.3% of user information, only finger swipe to the left can reveal up to 68.6% of the information. Even if researchers combine all touch, swipe, keystrokes and data samples, they can get up to 98.5% of user information.

This shows that "touch manipulation data" can be used to track users not only on smartphones but also on other smart devices, it can even be distinguished and monitored. Many users when they access the same device.

The researchers also issued a warning, security settings are not enough to protect users from this touch-based tracking.

See more:

  1. Unexpectedly detected, the smartphone is not secretly "eavesdropping" but "peeking" the user screen
  2. 72% of Vietnamese population use smartphones but 50% of them only listen to texting calls
  3. How to detect and remove eavesdropping software on smartphones
Update 24 May 2019


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