What data has been collected from major technology companies from users?

Have you ever wondered, what kind of data are collected by big technology companies?

The fact that big technology companies collect user data is no longer a strange thing. But have you ever wondered, what kind of data are collected by big technology companies?

Security Baron tested the privacy policy of six tech giants including Google, Facebook, Apple, Twitter, Amazon and Microsoft to provide an infographic that summarizes the types of user data that these companies are collecting. Cross and use.

What data has been collected from major technology companies from users? Picture 1What data has been collected from major technology companies from users? Picture 1

Google and Facebook collect the most user data. In addition to popular data such as the type of device used, the world's largest phone number, email, location, social network Facebook also collects personal information about religion, race, political views, search history, work, income level and ads users once clicked on.

What data has been collected from major technology companies from users? Picture 2What data has been collected from major technology companies from users? Picture 2

Twitter and Amazon collect the least information. Twitter collects data about phone numbers, emails, videos you see . but ignores the name, gender or birthday for Twitter Blog.

Below are all the user data collected by Facebook, Google, Apple, Twitter, Amazon and Microsoft. Please follow us.

What data has been collected from major technology companies from users? Picture 3What data has been collected from major technology companies from users? Picture 3

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