Macromedia Flash - Making fireworks effects
This exercise is very simple, you will be guided on how to make a burst effect using a mask.No need to use Action Script code.To make this image more vivid, you can add sound effects! Through this exercise, you'll know how to use the Color Mixer Panel (Shift + F9), how to convert the layer to a mask .
Step 1
Create a new flash file. Press Ctrl + J (Document Properties) and set the file size to your liking. Select background color # 003399 and Frame rate to 20 fps , then click OK .
Macromedia Flash - Making fireworks effects Picture 1
Step 2
Select the Brush Tool and color options as follows:
Macromedia Flash - Making fireworks effects Picture 2
Then, draw a shape that looks like this:
Macromedia Flash - Making fireworks effects Picture 3
Step 3
Click on frame 25 and press F6 key. After that, move this shape down a bit with the arrow keys or use the Selection Tool (V) to drag.
Step 4
Create a new layer (layer 2) and drag it below the layer 1. See the following image
Macromedia Flash - Making fireworks effects Picture 4
Step 5
Select layer 2 and select the Oval Tool (O). Set the Stroke color (the border color with the icon to the pen) to No color (the rectangle has a red diagonal), the color of the drawing ( Fill color ) select any color you like and draw a circle of size. 30 x 30 px in the center of the original shape. After the drawing is completed, the results are as follows:
Macromedia Flash - Making fireworks effects Picture 5
Step 6
While still selecting the circle, go to the Color Mixer Panel (Shift + F9) and select the option according to the following markings:
Macromedia Flash - Making fireworks effects Picture 6
After finishing the circle, the color is as follows
Macromedia Flash - Making fireworks effects Picture 7
Step 7
Click on frame 25 and press F6 key. After that, select the Free Transform Tool (Q) and enlarge the circle to cover the original shape. See the picture below
Macromedia Flash - Making fireworks effects Picture 8
Step 8
Select layer 2 and go to the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3) at the bottom of the working screen. In the left part of the panel, you will see the Tween drop-down box, choose Shape
Macromedia Flash - Making fireworks effects Picture 9
Do the same for layer 1
Step 9
Select layer 1 and convert it to a mask by right-clicking on it and selecting Mask .
Macromedia Flash - Making fireworks effects Picture 10
Step 10
Now you need to insert sound. You can download the original flash file and copy the audio file from the library file Library (Ctrl + L) to the Library on your file.
Create a new layer above the layer 1 and name it sound . Select the sound layer and drag the saved sound file from the Library into the workspace.
Test the file you created: Ctrl + Enter .
You should read it
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- Macromedia Flash - Create flash menu with sound
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