Lotteria Vietnam website was attacked by the notorious Anonymus hacker group?

On the evening of 7/3, the website of Lotteria Vietnam showed signs of being attacked. When accessing the Lotteria main website, users find the name and logo of the 'notorious' hacker group Anonymus.

The incident happened on the evening of March 7, some users reported that Lotteria Vietnam's website could be hacked.

Accordingly, when accessing the official website of Lotteria Vietnam at, users do not see the website information as usual. Instead, all show black screens with the names and signs of the notorious hacker group Anonymous and the words "We do not forgive - We do not forget" (roughly translated: "We do not forgive - We do not forget").

Picture 1 of Lotteria Vietnam website was attacked by the notorious Anonymus hacker group?

At the bottom of the site shows some basic information about menus and orders but is not accessible. Tracking by ICTNews correspondents showed that, at 8:30 pm, Lotteria's website was restored and accessible normally.

Anonymous (meaning anonymous, anonymous) is known as the notorious international hacker group. Anonymous was born in 2003, with the Guy Fawkes masked icon as in the movie V for Vendetta. This group is thought to be a gathering of many talented people in the hackers world and has become the haunting name of many businesses, organizations and individuals around the world.

However, it is not yet confirmed whether Lotteria's website information is actually hacked by the Anonymous team. ICTNews will continue to reflect information to readers.



Update 12 March 2020


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