Filipino hackers attack the Vietnamese web, retaliating that many users' Facebook accounts are 'hacked' by Vietnamese people

There is a cyber attack campaign targeting websites of Vietnamese individuals and organizations launched by Filipino hackers to retaliate against many 'hacked' Filipino accounts by Vietnamese people.

There is a cyber attack campaign targeting websites of Vietnamese individuals and organizations launched by Filipino hackers to retaliate against many 'hacked' Filipino accounts by Vietnamese people.

Earlier, on August 3, a post on the Philippines Cyber ​​Eagle fanpage reflected that some Filipino Facebook accounts were sold on Vietnamese websites for several tens of thousands of dong. The article also points out weaknesses of the Philippine social network users and instructs people to protect their accounts before Vietnamese tricker.

Tricker is a term used to refer to those who find vulnerabilities on Facebook but instead of informing them that they use it for personal purposes, such as hijacking other people's Facebook accounts.

Filipino hackers attack the Vietnamese web, retaliating that many users' Facebook accounts are 'hacked' by Vietnamese people Picture 1Filipino hackers attack the Vietnamese web, retaliating that many users' Facebook accounts are 'hacked' by Vietnamese people Picture 1

After being published, the article attracted great attention from the Philippine online community. This is seen as a direct cause for Filipino hackers to perform a number of small attacks to retaliate against Vietnamese users.

Currently, there have been about 7 attacks (defenses) aimed at websites of Vietnamese organizations and individuals. After being attacked, the interface of the website was changed and the culprit left the words FilTech Hacker Philippines. This is the name of a Filipino hacker group led by a hacker named Gr3ySh4DoW. After that, this hacker group boasted his "trophy" on Facebook.

Filipino hackers attack the Vietnamese web, retaliating that many users' Facebook accounts are 'hacked' by Vietnamese people Picture 2Filipino hackers attack the Vietnamese web, retaliating that many users' Facebook accounts are 'hacked' by Vietnamese people Picture 2

If there is a backup, the owner of the hacked website can process it quickly by restoring the previous data, then review the vulnerability.

A famous technology journalist in the Philippines, Art Samaniego shared on his personal page, to solve the problem of some of the country's hackers looking for ways to connect with voice hackers in Vietnam.

  1. Warning: Trickbot malicious code can knock down Windows Defender security application on Windows 10
  2. Detected 205 malicious applications with more than 32 million downloads on Google Play only in last July
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