Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York

With TipsMake.com look inside the ideal office of Facebook, where employees experience the latest virtual reality technology games, enjoy pastries from famous chefs at work!

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With TipsMake.com look inside the ideal office of Facebook , where employees experience the latest virtual reality technology games, enjoy pastries from famous chefs at work!

Facebook is one of the most desirable working environments on the planet thanks to its generous privileges, incredible salary and ideal corporate culture. Facebook is based in Menlo Park, California, USA. This is essentially the work of Sun Microsystems before but has transferred the rights to Facebook since 2011. Facebook - the world's largest company on social networking takes the creativity seriously because they think this is a good way. results to create new products, so the office must also be specifically designed to encourage creativity in each employee. The working environment here always focuses on sharing knowledge and ideas among people in the company to develop together. Please take a look around Menlo Park's Facebook headquarters !

Picture 1 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
The ideal office of Facebook in New York.Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

To confirm this, Business Insider reporter visited Facebook office in Manhattan, finding out why this place is so dreamed of by so many people. And this is their exciting visit:

The reporter group of Business Insider came to Facebook's office - Greenwich Village building on a Friday afternoon in November. They were welcomed by technical director Jeff Reynar and Jamil Walker communications manager.

Picture 2 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

They were extremely excited and impressed with the real " wall " of Facebook. Reynar introduced that New York mayor - Bill DeBlasio and New Jersey senator Cory Booker had visited this place and signed it.

Picture 3 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Facebook "wall" in real life.Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

With a total value of US $ 435.11 by mid-May, Facebook currently owns 66 offices, global data centers and nearly 19,000 employees. Among them, 1,000 people working at Manhattan headquarters, the work designed by architect Frank Gehry , is also the workplace of the Instagram team. Facebook's office occupies four floors of the building, which used to be Wanamaker's shop.

Picture 4 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

A workplace has too many employees, so it is sometimes difficult to remember the position of each person. With this screen, you just need to enter the employee name and it will automatically indicate where they are sitting.

Picture 5 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Sitemap of Facebook employees.Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

Starting a visit is Facebook's " tiny office " which is already so popular with people. Inside this office there is a reindeer head model hanging on the wall, a small sofa and baby posters. Many celebrities such as singer Selena Gomez or model Ashley Graham have shown pictures taken here on Instagram.

Picture 6 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

The next stop is the media space of the office, where live interviews are conducted. The highlight of the room is the lighting system and the view of New York City. According to technical director Reynar, it is not uncommon to see celebrities there. In particular, recently the cast " Stranger Things " just came to answer an interview.

Picture 7 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

This is the area of ​​technical staff, sales and personnel management with an open trend layout.

Picture 8 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

" Although everyone has their own desk in the middle of the room, you can see that there are lots of quiet corners to" hide "here to work, get rid of the noise and excitement of the group ," Reynar to speak.

Picture 9 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

Like this place .

Picture 10 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

. and this place.

Picture 11 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

" An energetic place to start work ," Reynar said.

Picture 12 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

However, the library is also an ideal place to relax.

Picture 13 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

Culturally, Reynar explains " Hackathons " - programming competitions are always essential to maintaining the excitement of the business during development.

Picture 14 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

Besides, Facebook is also famous for its own culinary space.

Picture 15 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

There are lots of infinite sweets, food, drinks and free!

Picture 16 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

Facebook has a team in charge of cooking and the kitchen is fully equipped. Favorite dishes such as pizza, salad, yogurt are prepared in the office, they even hire chefs to make cakes.

Picture 17 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

" The food is great and the menu changes every day. The staff uses breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee in the office without going to any restaurants, " Reynar said. Despite such amenities, Facebook still encourages staff to go out and explore the surrounding areas.

Picture 18 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

Facebook is in the process of opening a second canteen at its New York office. During the completion, staff here can dine from mobile cars like this.

Picture 19 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

Not only have the privilege of eating, employees also experience the latest virtual reality games and technology right at work.

Picture 20 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

In particular, they can go to these vending machines when they need new batteries, mice or keyboards.

Picture 21 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

The highlight of the office is the artwork. Art creations are scattered throughout the floors, made by famous artists, as well as the employees themselves working at Facebook.

Picture 22 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

Workers at Facebook designed and painted decorative posters on the wall themselves.

Picture 23 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

. and this brilliant wall is the same. " The works have a spirit of openness, connection and spirit to connect with the world ," Reynar said.

Picture 24 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York

Picture 25 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

" Instead of going somewhere to buy some paintings about hanging, they invite artists to come to work on the spot. This seems quite interesting, because not only can employees talk to artists about their work. is doing, but the products made also have a distinct Facebook style , 'Reynar said. These artworks are not only beautiful but also help employees relieve stress very well.

Picture 26 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

Sometimes, office decoration also helps people make interesting projects, called " space hacks " - how to design and utilize creative space. The purple electronic board on the left is a good example of "space hacks".

Picture 27 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

Another example, where employees decorate a wall full of fashion accessories - a beautiful ornament.

Picture 28 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York

Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

This painting embodies the global community campaign " Manhattan Memories Map " - a campaign calling on New Yorkers to share their memories on Facebook or Instagram with hashtag #manhattanmemoriesmap.

Picture 29 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

An interesting highlight on the stairs of the 7th and 8th floors is the curtain made up of thousands of silk threads, stretching from the ceiling to the floor. Every time you step up the stairs, they move into a shimmer of light.

Picture 30 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

" I think both the colorful natural space, the comfortable, comfortable working corner and this special art will surprise many people. That's more amazing than you can imagine ," Reynar to speak.

Picture 31 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

Before the end of the visit, the group of reporters could still record the New York scene from above. According to Reynar, looking down at the hustle and bustle of the city below, just giving the employee motivation, while reminding the slogan, " the journey has gone 1% ." If we look at the whole process, we have just begun.

Picture 32 of Look inside Facebook's ideal office in New York
New York scenery from a working corner of the Facebook office.Photo source: Sarah Jacobs

See also: See the wonderful images of the first computer in the world

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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