LG teamed up with Google to produce 'standalone' equipment.

Tango project is not an attractive business program but it is extremely useful for the future of the technology world so Google and LG will be determined to complete this project.

Tango project is not an attractive business program but it is extremely useful for the future of the technology world so Google and LG will be determined to complete this project.

Again, Project Tango ( or Project Tango ) is a program from Motorola's Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) group and is now part of Google. The idea of ​​this project is to place multiple cameras and sensors on the phone and tablet to allow full 3D mapping. The business potential of this project is not entirely clear, but Google has mentioned its benefits for indoor maps.

Picture 1 of LG teamed up with Google to produce 'standalone' equipment.

Project Tango

Recently, the ATAP development team announced at Google I / O that they are working with LG to bring a tablet integrated with this project and it will be launched next year. But there is no information about this device's specifications and prices. It seems to be quite strange to most users and seems to be suitable only for those who are really interested in 3D maps.

Update 25 May 2019


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