Open source Python projects for beginners
Where are the best open source Python projects that can be learned? This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions that the 'newbie' feet wet to step into the world of Python questions and learn. If you are an avid learner, contributing to open source projects is the best way to help you understand the code, the test infrastructure and the project construction environment. Working on such projects is also a great way to test your application, find bugs, fix bugs and update documents.
Open source Python projects for beginners Picture 1
Currently GitHub has quite a number of beginner-friendly Python projects for you. Quantrimang would like to list some top projects. Please follow the list below.
99 Bottles
The task is that you have to code a program for printing lyrics of folk songs '99 bottles of beer on the wall '.
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall.
98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall.
97 bottles of beer on the wall, 97 bottles of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, 96 bottles of beer on the wall.
1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.
Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
Open source Python projects for beginners Picture 2
In addition to 'take one down', you are not allowed to type any numbers or numbers written in words in your lyrics code. Notice the code when running to the section with only 1 bottle, 'bottles' need to change to 'bottle'.
Game Drag B Hammer Bao (Rock Paper Scissors)
You can build your own simple Python game with this project: a hammer-hammer-game. The player will have to choose scissors, hammer or bag and the computer will choose the move, the winner will be decided and the result will be printed on the screen.
Open source Python projects for beginners Picture 3
In this project, you should develop a number of sub-elements such as providing the player with the option to play back or record the current score .
Fibonacci series
In this project, the developer will have to create a function that allows the user to find the value of the nth term in the string.
However, to ensure the function is correct, we should check the first 10 numbers of the string.
For the solution, we can assume that the first two terms are 0 and 1 or both are 1.
There are two ways to approach this problem: one is through a loop and the other is to use recursion. Ideally, you should use both methods to implement this project.
This project has earned 554 stars on GitHub. With WhatWaf, developers will have to discover, bypass firewalls and web application protection systems.
This blockchain project has earned 779 stars on GitHub. With SimpleCoin, the developer will create a Bitcoin copy. If you are interested in blockchain and electronic money, this project will be very suitable for you.
This project has four contributors and is an extension of the matplotlib for vaporwave aesthetics (Vaporwave aesthetic)
This project was developed by Alex Goodman with 190 stars on GitHub and involves looking for inventory in the cloud.
Open source project resources for beginners
First contributions is a practice guide that guides you through the donation process on GitHub. It provides a series of steps for beginners on how to navigate the GUI tools and then move on to a website with new projects called Up for Grabs. Here brings together all the projects that you can start to help. Up for Grabs labeled these projects as 'up-for-grabs', 'jump in' or 'help wanted'.
In case you want to contribute to an open source project, see CodeTriage to update projects.
The project is self-initiated and the project is contributed
If you're a beginner, it's best to work on a new self-initiated project. This will also help you learn Git WorkFlow and make your programming experience sharper. It will also help you get acquainted with the community and GitHub for contributing to future open source projects. Here's how people can start the GitHub project.
- Create an archive.
- Include project details in the file.
- Build a roadmap for your project.
- Let's start the code, the more the better!
Building projects on GitHub is a good way to get started because they help you - open-minded developers. This is also a great way to attract and find work. One of the main reasons people like to contribute to GitHub projects is because employers like candidates who have projects on GitHub account so they can consider what you have done.
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