Is it okay to charge the backup battery while using the phone?

There are cases of force majeure that force you to use your phone while using the power bank. So let this article answer while charging the backup battery while using the phone?

1. Is it okay to charge while using the phone?

The answer is YES, even though the charger is not plugged in directly from the power source. Using your  phone  while the power bank charges will harm the device and potentially endanger yourself.

1.1. Does the battery bottle come out of the battery while charging the power bank while using the phone?

Yes, while charging, regardless of power bank or not, your phone will generate heat due to the charging process and the operation of the power management chip. When using the phone while charging, the phone's processor will act to generate heat, plus the heat from the charging process will make our device hotter than ever. Plus the process of charging and discharging the battery will reduce the battery life extremely high.

Temperature is the enemy of the battery, and higher temperature leads to heavier battery bottle and battery edema. Reduces battery life significantly.

Picture 1 of Is it okay to charge the backup battery while using the phone?

1.2. Does the backup charger while using the phone explode?

As well as charging directly with a power source, using a power bank while using your phone can lead to explosion. Because the charging process will create a high temperature in the phone, plus the heat generated by the processor of the device while operating will generate a huge heat source, if you are using it in the environment. If you have a high temperature there is a great risk of overheating and explosion in the phone battery. There is chemical composition in cell phone batteries, potentially exploding at high temperatures.

There have been many cases that lead to unfortunate accidents when using the power bank while using the phone.

2. Some notes when using the power bank

2.1. Choose quality and reputable backup charger

Not all power banks are of the same quality. It is very easy to buy the wrong types of backup chargers that are counterfeit, dirty, of unknown origin, which can lead to many consequences on equipment as well as people.

Therefore, it is advisable to choose power banks of famous brands distributed in reputable units and genuine distribution with many brands such as  Xiaomi ,  Aukey ,  Anker ,  Xmobile , . with a policy of protection. Clear warranty according to each brand, ensuring quality and safety when used.

2.2. Use the power bank properly

  1. Limit charging and discharging, this will endanger the user and the device as mentioned above.
  2. Make sure  charger, cable  is genuine. Cable charging factor is very important, ensuring safety and ensuring the right time to charge the backup battery.
  3. Use the correct output port: Usually 5V - 1A for the phone and 5V - 2A for  the computer , to match the charging capacity of each machine, limit the overheating when charging is too large.

2.3. Store a backup charger

  1. Please make sure the power bank is located in a cool place, away from high temperature places such as the trunk of the car, in direct sunlight. In high temperature conditions, it is very harmful to the power bank, reducing its lifespan and causing danger to the user.
  2. Do not leave the battery plugged in after charging for too long, which can lead to battery drain.
  3. Do not completely drain the battery, especially do not let it drain for a long time. In the event of a battery depletion for too long, the battery may die.
Update 29 April 2021


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