Introducing Wolfram Alpha search engine

Want to know the exact time in London at this time? How many grams is 10 pounds? Google can simply handle simple questions like this without going through other complicated steps. However, this is not the only tool that can answer all questions. In the following article, will introduce to the b - Want to know the exact time in London at this time? How many grams is 10 pounds? Google can simply handle simple questions like this without going through other complicated steps. However, this is not the only tool that can answer all questions. In the following article, will introduce you to Wolfram Alpha, a new Search Engine developed by Stephen Wolfram - that can help you answer many other difficult questions. Examples are as follows:

1. Your position:

where am I

If you search with required information like 'where am i' , the system will return IP address results with the current geographic location. The same query questions will also bring results to your computer including 'who am i' and 'what is my ip'.

2. Date and time:

Usually, you will need a spreadsheet with Excel and some basic calculation formulas to answer questions related to dates, time . but with Wolfram Alpha is completely different. The tool easily helps users with standard functions and formulas (similar to Outlook Calendar ):

how many days until christmas

october 5, 2010 - feb 6, 2007

today + 2 months 3 weeks 6 days

If you want to calculate the number of days before the next holiday, use the 'how many days until' syntax , you can subtract the number of days like normal natural numbers, or apply a new formula similar to 'second saturday of next month ' or ' now + 10 days'.

3. Food:

Wolfram Alpha can answer all questions related to food, nutrition, and related aspects, for example: how many calories are in a Coke can, french fries and McDonald's , which is more delicious and nutritious:

a diet coke and french fries

burger king french fries vs McDonald's fries

vitamin c in 100ml lemon juice

4. Time zone:

If searching for 'time in' time information , most Search Engines will show detailed results, but Wolfram has more features to find information in the opposite direction. This means you will find the exact time of any city when you apply your current time zone. It's convenient when friends, customers or partners ask for a meeting - by their hour:

11:30 am in New York

In addition, you can refer to online tools Every Time Zone.

5. Astronomy:

If you are a fan of this vast field of science, then Wolfram Alpha is definitely not to be missed, this tool can accurately calculate the position of stars and planets at any when. At the same time, with questions like 'solar eclipse in new york', you will get a complete and detailed answer to the next solar eclipse in New York:

next solar eclipse

position of venus on march 21, 1967

6. Finance:

You want to know exactly how many employees are working in a particular company. Wolfram Alpha can meet this question by using query questions like 'market cap of Apple' or 'revenue of Google'. You can also apply this syntax to find information related to stocks and stocks, such as the following:

Dow Jones on Jan 2, 2010

number of employees at google

7. Colors:

What color will you create when you mix some red paint into a yellow paint bucket? What is the HTML code and RGB that represents purple:

80% yellow + 20% red

8. Compare:

This is an ideal aspect to show Wolfram | Alpha 'power', presenting the results of the comparison between the two facts by giving a specific chart, with clearly illustrated figures. You can conduct comparisons with anything like airports, schools, the size of large buildings, stock prices, tax rates at different stores, sports teams, even both current standard paper sizes:

Statue of Liberty vs Eiffel Tower

a3 paper vs a4 paper

9. Weather:

Most search engines can provide specific weather forecast information within the next 7 to 10 days, but with Wolfram Alpha, you can find data about certain dates before or after. with the present time.

weather in london on feb 10, 2004

sunrise in london on october 21, 2015

10. Relationships:

Try searching for answers to complex relationships like the following example:

father's daughter's daughter's son

Wolfram will display the results in a specific chart, you will see a lot simpler.

The above are some of the highlights of WolframAlpha, which may not be as well known but you can hardly ignore them if you have ever used them. To be sure about the information as well as the question syntax used, refer here first, and visit here to add Wolfram to your list of favorite search engines. Good luck!

Update 26 May 2019


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