When the search request is submitted, the Search Engine system will process the process, for example: comparing this keyword string from the request to the index page in the database. And in fact, there are millions of websites that contain the same keywords as the users' requirements, so the Search Engine system will begin the process of calculating the relevance of each page in the index along with the required string. .
In essence, there are many algorithms that are used to calculate the related rate, and each of those algorithms has a certain impact on each use purpose, such as link keyword density, links. , tag metatag . That's why different Search Engines show different search results. Moreover, all the major search engines today such as Yahoo !, Google, Bing . often change their search algorithms, and customers or users if they want to keep the top position. then Hai also changed how to apply it to "adapt" to the surroundings quickly. At the same time, this is also a major reason for all businesses, organizations, companies . to develop and maintain technology to optimize SEO.
The final step of Search Engine in the whole process is to collect results. Very simply, this is merely a display of the list of results found through the browser.
Some basic concepts to know about Search Engine Optimization - SEO (part 1) Picture 3
Although the basic operating principle of all search engines is quite similar, even the smallest differences will bring about completely different results when compared to each other. And this is also an extremely important factor that has a certain influence on users, customers and the Search Engine system itself. There were times when SEO experts joked that Bing's applied algorithm was the complete opposite of Google . While this may be a truth that cannot be changed, the reality is still the reality, the Search Engine is still not quite the same, and if you want to apply to your website system effectively. The results must be maximized and utilized the strengths of each different Search Engine .
In fact, there are many specific examples to point out the differences between many different Search Engine . Such as Yahoo! and Bing , keywords are important, but for Google , links are the key.
Some basic concepts to know about Search Engine Optimization - SEO (part 1) Picture 4
From theory to reality, we all know that the keyword - the keyword they are the most important SEO component for each Search Engine , understands that it is the string of characters that match the information stored in database. Choosing the right keywords and optimizing them is an important step and must always be prioritized throughout the entire SEO campaign. If the user does not perform well from these first steps, the entire distance will become much more difficult, and most of the time it is the user who is wasting money, effort and time. without any satisfactory results. For professionals or experienced people, it is not difficult and complicated to determine the right keywords and how to optimize them, and above all, those selected keywords must be Fully gather the essentials such as search needs of users, few competitors, and summarize the content and main ideas of the entire website.
Some basic concepts to know about Search Engine Optimization - SEO (part 1) Picture 5
It seems that the time when users can easily get into the top results when typing any keyword more than 10 years ago. Until now, when the Internet has become more popular all the time, the competition and development to maintain the top position with a search string of words is almost impossible, but instead where the trend of today is that the search chain including 2-3 will become more realistic.
For example, if you have created a dog- dog research website, do not try to find and optimize keywords like dog or dogs , but instead are focused keywords. more, such as " dog obedience training " - training for obedient dogs, " small dog breeds " - small breed dogs, " homemade dog food " - homemade dog food , " dog food recipes " - recipe Dog food processing . The success rate of focusing on 1 - 2 word keywords is very small, so 'aiming' for key phrases, many people pay little attention but still enough to say the main content of the website.
And of course, the first thing to do is give keywords to describe the main content of the site. And the best way is to figure out what users will be looking for when accessing and searching for information in your website. Besides, we can use available support Website Website Suggestions Tool with lots of suggestions about the initial display list of keywords. Enter the list of keywords you want, made by Google Keyword Suggestion tool, the system will display a list of related keywords.
When choosing keywords to optimize, we need to look carefully at the number of times that keyword will be searched in a certain time period such as week, month, year . besides there are also each related between the keywords themselves in the website . Although narrowing the list of keywords will minimize the amount of work going significantly, but in addition, users will also have fewer options and the resulting system returns will also become 'of quality. 'than many generic keywords. On the other hand, suppose that there is a part in your website system, this is a place to focus and exchange experiences about choosing, raising and teaching dogs to be the most effective, with specific keyword phrases adopt. German shepherd will yield more results than german shepherd dogs , if in logic, this site is not very attractive to owners who currently own German shepherds, but will collect attracted a lot of interest from people who tend and keep only German Shepherd dogs . So, pay attention to the number of searches focused on keywords, keyword phrases during the month, and thereby gaining experience as well as the consistency of keywords and content for your website.
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After choosing the right keywords that describe the content of the website and supposedly get the most attention from users, the next step is to arrange and arrange keyword density on each piece of content on the website. to avoid the boredom and repeat many times in a text. Although this is not the most important factor in the SEO campaign, the overall density is higher, the level of relevance when searching for data sequences, the keywords between the pages will become more and more tight. As recommended by many experts, you should keep this density at 3 - 7% for 2-3 main keywords , and 1-2% for extra keywords. To be sure, you can use the tool that supports Keyword Density Checker to determine this density on your website.
Although there aren't any strict rules, try using this optimization method with a certain number of keywords, for example from 5 - 10 keywords is fine. If we want to apply with a list of 300 words, we accidentally broke the minimum necessary order in the website , but also counterproductive, causing negative effects for the reader. In addition, there are some heavier penalties (including exclusion from the Search Engine system) for 'cramming' keywords to increase the link between keywords, thereby affecting to the results returned from the system.
Some basic concepts to know about Search Engine Optimization - SEO (part 1) Picture 7
With the characteristics mentioned above, we can easily recognize that the key factor of keywords - keyword is not only in quantity, but also required in terms of quality, for example. As you arrange and arrange many more keywords in the title, heading, and first description section of the lesson - these numbers are even more counted if you put more keywords at the bottom of the page. The main reason is that the URL (especially the domain), file and directory names, title pages and the corresponding headings of each individual paragraph . are much more important than the original content text. Similarly, if you have a number of keywords that are on par with your competitors, but know how to match and match keywords and URLs as mentioned above, then your website's ranking will be pushed very high, especially with Yahoo !.
Set the keyword in the URL and file name: in fact, the domain name or the entire URL tells a lot about your website. Suppose that, if you build a website that specializes in dog breeds, you should choose and set the domain associated with some characters like ' dog ', ' dogs ', or ' puppy ' . For example, we can choose a domain name: dog-adopt.net is much more beneficial than domain: animal-care.org. Since in the first domain, we have assigned two extremely important keywords: dog - adopt and adopt - while the second domain name has only one subheading mentioned, it is animal - pet.
The next point in the process of finding and choosing the right domain name is not to be 'greedy'. While the overall view of the SEO process is to try to get as many keywords in the URL as possible, try to imagine how difficult and hard it is to optimize and remember. The path is 'long-winded'. Therefore, consider carefully the balance between choosing domains and the feasibility of those domains. For example, quantrimang.com will be easier to remember and bring much more efficiency than: timhieuquantrimang.com, ngocuuquantrimang.com .
However, not everyone can reference and find the desired domain, so try using the support tool in this process, such as the Keyword service - Rich Domain Suggestion Tool.
Besides, file and folder names are equally important in this whole process. Normally, the Search Engine will have its own option for users to change the component pages containing keywords through the file name. For example: http://mydomain.com/dog-adopt.html although not equal to http://dog-adopt.net/dog-adopt.html but it will definitely be better than http://mydomain.com/ animal-care.html . The advantage of placing a keyword in the file name compared to the keyword placement in the URL path is that they are easier to edit.
Set the keyword in the title page: this is also one of the special and important positions, because the entire information section, the content in the card is often looked up by the Search Engine , especially Google . Although this is not a mandatory condition in the HTML specification to write anything in the tag (for example, when we leave this section blank, the browser will display as ' Untitled Document ' or something like that). In the SEO process, this step is very important. Therefore, please try to put information describing or talking about the main content of the website in this section, should not be left blank.
And unlike with URLs , we can write multiple lines in this section if we want. Continuing with the dog raising website as mentioned above, the card section of the homepage for http://dog-adopt.net may contain some information such as:
Save a Life - Save a Life and Bring Joy to Your Home
Everything You Need To Know About Adopting a Dog
Set the keyword in the heading: normally, the individual headings related to the sub-topic, in terms of writing, there is absolutely no value at all, but if based on the theory and practice applied of SEO , this is especially effective, you can arrange and arrange as many headings as possible in the page, and if there is an additional keyword added, it will bring even better results.
In fact, you don't need to worry about limiting the characters or content in this heading, especially for tags.
but if arranged too much, it will cause loss of the aesthetics of the website and readers will find it difficult to find the necessary information. Therefore, apply the same method as the URL , which is carefully considered with the length required by the heading. Typically, with Heading 1 or H1 , this is a large font size, and it is best not to have more than 8 words in this card, because otherwise the content will stretch on 2 or 3 lines.
Above are some basic points to know about Search Engine Optimization - SEO and the process of selecting, arranging as well as arranging keywords - keyword as well as achieving optimal efficiency in the site. In the next part of this SEO series, we will learn more about links and metatags. Good luck!