Huawei, Xiaomi, VIVO and OPPO work together to 'fight' Google

Major Chinese smartphone manufacturers, including Huawei, Xiaomi, VIVO and OPPO, are joining in an unprecedented scale of cooperation.

Major Chinese smartphone manufacturers including Huawei, Xiaomi, VIVO and OPPO are joining in an unprecedented large-scale cooperation agreement to develop a new app store that can replace Google Play. Android devices.

In fact, these manufacturers are also holding separate app stores where users can easily download applications and games, while developers only need to submit products and wait for approval. Browser. However, these app stores are not large in scale and, importantly, they are currently operating individually. Chinese smartphone makers want to create a seamless, seamless app store where developers only need to submit their application review once and it will be published in all. App stores, especially large enough to compete with Google Play.

The alliance is called the Global Developer Service Alliance (GDSA), and the official announcement regarding the arrival of a new app store platform is expected to be released next month. Huawei, Xiaomi, VIVO and OPPO are now responsible for 40.1% of the global smartphone shipments sold in the recent quarter, showing the enormous potential of these manufacturers. If it goes in the right direction, the new app store could emerge as a replacement for the Google Play Store in the coming years, at least in the Chinese market.

Picture 1 of Huawei, Xiaomi, VIVO and OPPO work together to 'fight' Google

The leader of the GDSA alliance must be Huawei. Throughout 2019, China's largest smartphone maker has become a target of a trade war in the U.S.-China trade war when President Trump's administration listed it on the "blacklist". . Right now, Huawei still has to sell devices running Android, but there are no Google apps and services, and of course they have prepared a response.

Last year, Huawei launched the Harmony operating system. There are currently about 4,000 developers working for Huawei Mobile Services, and the Chinese company will spend $ 3 billion to invest in developing its software ecosystem this year - acting as an alternative to Google Play Services.

Update 08 February 2020


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