Huawei claims to have built its own operating system for smartphones and laptops since 2012

In case of a bad case, Huawei has developed its own operating system for mobile devices since 2012. This operating system is called Hongmeng.

Yesterday, Huawei continuously received bad news from US technology companies, Google withdrew its Android license, and manufacturers including Qualcomm, Intel, Broadcom stopped providing components.

As for Google withdrawing Huawei's Android license, Chinese technology firm said it anticipated this problem. In case of a bad case, Huawei has developed its own operating system for mobile devices since 2012. This operating system is called "Hongmeng".

Picture 1 of Huawei claims to have built its own operating system for smartphones and laptops since 2012

In an interview with German newspaper Die Welt recently, Richard Yu, CEO of Huawei's customer division, also confirmed in the case of not being able to use software produced by US companies, Huawei already has its own operating system.

Currently, there is no information that Huawei will switch to using its own operating system developed in the near future.

As for Qualcomm, Xilinx, Broadcom stopped supplying components, Huawei also said that it can continue to produce smartphones for at least 6 months to 1 year because it has stocked up a significant amount of components. In addition, with components that are less important and easier to find alternative sources, the company is still sufficient for additional use in the next 3 months.

Picture 2 of Huawei claims to have built its own operating system for smartphones and laptops since 2012

In addition, Huawei has been able to master chip manufacturing technology so if it loses supply from US manufacturers, they will not be affected.

Prior to Huawei's response, analysts said that Chinese technology firm was too optimistic compared to reality.

Update 24 May 2019


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