How to turn off spell check in Word - Turn off red underline in Word

The spell check feature in Word is very useful, but it shows up as a red underline when you edit text. This doesn't really affect much, but if it makes you feel uncomfortable when reading, why not turn off this spell check feature?

In any version of Word from Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 or even the latest versions of Word such as Word 2016 -2020 when editing Vietnamese text, we all see the red underlines under the characters. In fact, this confusing part is the spelling and grammar checking function of Word. Whenever starting Word to work, this function is also activated by default. But for many people, this function only makes things more confusing, not to mention that it does not work very effectively for Vietnamese. That is why many people also look for ways to turn off the spelling checking function, removing this red underline. If you still do not know how, please see the instructions below from Hanoicomputer!

How to turn off spell check in Word - Turn off red underline in Word Picture 1How to turn off spell check in Word - Turn off red underline in Word Picture 1

Summary of operations to turn off spell check in Word

Regular versions of Word have almost the same functions, only different in interface. Below are the steps to turn off spell checking in Word that you can follow:

  1. After starting Word > select File in the left corner
  2. Go to Options
  3. In Options > select Proofing.
  4. Remove the check mark from the items: Check spelling as you type , Mark grammar errors as you type , Frequently confused words , Check grammar with spelling
  5. After unchecking the above items, press OK to complete turning off the spell check function, the red underlined parts will also disappear.

Detailed steps with pictures of shortcuts to spell check in Word

The instructions below are performed on Word 2016, you can also apply this instruction to turn off spell check in Word 2010 and above.

Step 1: Open Word software and select File

How to turn off spell check in Word - Turn off red underline in Word Picture 2How to turn off spell check in Word - Turn off red underline in Word Picture 2

Step 2: Select Options

How to turn off spell check in Word - Turn off red underline in Word Picture 3How to turn off spell check in Word - Turn off red underline in Word Picture 3

Step 3: In the Options section , select Proofing , in When correcting spelling and grammar in Word (spelling check feature in Word), uncheck the following items: 

  1. Check spelling as you type .
  2. Mark grammar errors as you type .
  3. Frequently confused words.
  4. Check grammar with spelling .

Then press OK to confirm. Now the red underline in Word has been turned off.

How to turn off spell check in Word - Turn off red underline in Word Picture 4How to turn off spell check in Word - Turn off red underline in Word Picture 4

Above is a guide to turn off spelling check in Word by Hanoicomputer. The operation is very simple, with easy-to-understand illustrations that anyone can do. If the article is useful, please share it with your friends and leave a comment below if you do it successfully!

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