How to Study Oracle

Mastering the ins-and-outs of the Oracle Database can be a highly-rewarding pursuit. However, it requires a great deal of commitment to get to the highest levels of the profession, and there are no shortcuts.

Method 1 of 3:

Using the Resources on the Oracle Site

  1. Picture 1 of How to Study Oracle
    Take online courses on the Oracle site. The Oracle University offers numerous courses and certification exams that will broaden your knowledge of particular areas of Oracle and boost your résumé. Courses and certifications range from several hundred to thousands of dollars and may be taken at home or in a classroom.
    1. Some classes have extensive prerequisites. For example, a MySQL Performance Tuning Ed 4 class requires previous DBA experience and familiarity with Linux. Find the course or courses that are appropriate for your current skill level.
  2. Picture 2 of How to Study Oracle
    Consult the Oracle Technology Network. The OTN offers helpful links and features articles on a daily basis written by accomplished Oracle Database professionals. Topics range from beginner-level troubleshooting to more advanced subject matter.
    1. Sign up for the monthly Oracle newsletter that offers technical articles and product news as well as news relating to cloud-native development, Java and more.
  3. Picture 3 of How to Study Oracle
    Use other Oracle tools. Ask TOM can help answer questions you may have about managing Oracle databases. Oracle Live SQL offers a practice database where you can work on perfecting your understanding of SQL (Structured Query Language).
    1. You will need to sign up for an Oracle account in order to access some of these features.
Method 2 of 3:

Finding Additional Useful Resources

  1. Picture 4 of How to Study Oracle
    Search YouTube for helpful videos. YouTube offers a vast array of videos on Oracle, ranging from beginner to intermediate to advanced levels.
    1. Channels by Caleb Curry and Manish Sharma start with the very basics of Oracle. They may be where you want to head first.
    2. When watching a YouTube video about Oracle, jot down important notes and terms you may not be familiar with to research later.
  2. Picture 5 of How to Study Oracle
    Look up literature about Oracle. Books written about Oracle operations are typically large tomes, but if you're really looking to become a master of the subject, you'll want to purchase something like Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference by Donald K. Burleson.
    1. Give yourself lots of time to work through a large textbook on Oracle. Processing small bits of data at one time is much easier than trying to learn multiple chapters at once.
  3. Picture 6 of How to Study Oracle
    Scour the internet for articles pertaining to Oracle. Make sure you consult reputable sources. Scholarly articles are a great place to start.
Method 3 of 3:

Getting Real-World Experience

  1. Picture 7 of How to Study Oracle
    Put together a proper résumé. Since the databases of companies contain vital information, they won't let just anyone have access to them. Employers will want to see appropriate education credentials on your résumé. A degree in computer science or information systems usually works best.[2]
    1. Having Oracle University classes and certifications on your résumé will only help. Some employers may even offer to pay for your Oracle classes.
  2. Picture 8 of How to Study Oracle
    Send your résumé out to lower-level companies. Non-profit organizations might be more willing to take a chance on an up-and-coming Oracle professional.[3]
  3. Picture 9 of How to Study Oracle
    Continue bolstering your résumé. If your main goal is to become a DBA at a well-known company, you should move on from small-time databases rather quickly. Big-time companies look for candidates that are well-versed in handling large databases.
Update 05 March 2020


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