How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020)

Instructions for numbering pages in Excel versions of Excel 2003, Excel 2007, Excel 2010, Excel 365, and page numbering in Excel when printing easily

Instructions on how to number pages in Excel when printing, this is a very easy operation. However, not everyone knows how to number the pages quickly and correctly, in this article freetuts will guide you to the standard page numbering but extremely easy and fast.

Excel is like a square matrix of rows and columns, as if infinitely long. But when printed, they are divided into pages that look very nice and reasonable, depending on the length of the paper size. Below are some of the simplest ways to number a page.

Option 1: Use Layout interface 

To add ordinal numbers to the top of the worksheet, follow these steps.

Step 1: Create an editing interface, we click the Page Layout icon .

-> At the top of the sheet, the Add header area appears .

How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 1How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 1

Step 2: We enter the sheet name and ordinal number according to the following formula:

Sheet name & [Page] . Inside:

  1. Sheet name: Optionally, you can name sheets in different ways. For example 'Sheet', 'Spreadsheet', 'Sheet Number' .
  2. & [Page]: this is required syntax for Excel to automatically fill the correct page number.

In the following example I enter the header area in the middle, the syntax: Spreadsheet & [Page]

After entering, remember to press Enter to see the results.

How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 2How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 2

You can see the following result: Sheet #.

This error is due to the fact that there is no data in the spreadsheet, we try to enter anything and see the results.

How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 3How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 3

With 2 simple steps, you have successfully numbered Excel sheet.

How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 4How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 4

How do I add a number to the bottom of the page?

Simply scroll down the page and enter the same syntax as the top.

How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 5How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 5

The following example I entered: End of the spreadsheet & [Page]

How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 6How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 6

-> The page results will be automatically numbered: End of worksheet 1

How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 7How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 7

So with a very simple operation you can add a number to the sheet, next we do it in a different way.

Method 2: Use the Page Setup feature

Step 1: On the toolbar, click the Page Layout option .

-> Press the Page Setup small key to start.

How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 8How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 8

Step 2: Click the Head / Footer tab . Here you can customize the page number at the top and bottom in detail. Click on Custom Header .

How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 9How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 9

Step 3: You can enter all 3 locations at the same time, including:

  1. Left section: Left section.
  2. Center section: The center position.
  3. Right section: Right section.

How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 10How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 10

Step 4: Select C ustom Footer to customize the order number at the bottom of the page.

In addition, you can also customize many other items such as:

  1. Different odd and even pages
  2. Different first page
  3. Scale with document
  4. Align with page margins

Finally click Print Preview to preview the printout.

-> Click OK to apply the setting.

How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 11How to number pages in all versions Excel (update 2020) Picture 11

Above are extremely simple operations, anyone can add a number to an Excel sheet very quickly. If your friends or colleagues do not know this way, please share this article with them. Wish you work with Excel more easily and fluently.

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