How to make delicious Korean Icebox Twosome Icebox

Twosome Icebox is a famous cake of a cafe of the same name in Korea. How to make Twosome Icebox is very simple, no need for an oven, or complex steamer and ingredients are also extremely familiar things like cheese cream, oreo cake ...

Twosome Icebox is a famous cake of a cafe of the same name in Korea. How to make Twosome Icebox is extremely simple, no need for an oven, or complex steamer and ingredients are also extremely familiar things like cheese cream, oreo cake . so anyone can be confident once done. to try on. In particular, to make Twosome Icebox you do not need to beat your hands 400 - 2000 times like Dalgona cafe!

Those who love sweets should definitely not miss this delicious and interesting dessert dish.

Here is the recipe to make Twosome Icebox at home, you can make your own to enjoy the cake that is causing the Korean kimchi forums.

Baking material

  1. Fresh cream: 300gr.
  2. Cream cheese (cream cheese): 200gr (can be purchased at supermarkets or bakeries).
  3. Oreo: 30 pcs, separate the cake and white cream.
  4. Arbitrary cake boxes: Square, rectangular boxes .

Picture 1 of How to make delicious Korean Icebox Twosome Icebox

How to make Twosome Icebox

Step 1: Put the whipped cream, cream cheese and oreo white cream in a large bowl, then mix well

Step 2: Crush the black Oreo crumbs.

Step 3: Spread the beaten cream mixture evenly on the bottom of the box, then spread a layer of black Oreo crumbs on top. You can make several layers, one layer for each layer of Oreo.

Picture 2 of How to make delicious Korean Icebox Twosome Icebox

Step 4: Put the box in the refrigerator compartment. After about 1 to 3 hours, take out and enjoy.

Picture 3 of How to make delicious Korean Icebox Twosome Icebox

Update 31 March 2020


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