Jelly ball fruit, delicious cool summer bar

Fruit ball jelly is a beautiful and refreshing dish that is cool and refreshing, and is really thirsty.

In the summer, our bodies often lose a lot of water because of the excessive amount of sweat, so providing water to the body is essential. In addition to the filtered water, regular fruit juice is also a good way to provide nutrients and water to the body. To help you enjoy the fruit without being bored, especially families with young children will be very lazy to eat fruits, then this new dish will surely appeal to your family's friends who enjoy eating fruit. more. Not only that, this dish is expected to be a song in the summer of this year, it is a fruit jelly.

With this dish, the ingredients and how to do it are very simple, suitable for this summer, surely all members of your family will love.

Jelly ball fruit, delicious cool summer bar Picture 1Jelly ball fruit, delicious cool summer bar Picture 1


  1. 500ml of water
  2. 120gr of sugar
  3. 7gr jelly jelly
  4. Fresh milk
  5. Molds for jelly
  6. Fruits: apple, pear, watermelon, grape .


Step 1:

First, we buy the fruits that your family members love, then wash them, peel them off, and cut them into a pomegranate that has just been eaten, soak them in the diluted brine so that the fruit doesn't suffer. dark, especially for apples and pears.

Jelly ball fruit, delicious cool summer bar Picture 2Jelly ball fruit, delicious cool summer bar Picture 2

Step 2:

Jelly jelly jelly we can easily buy from dealers or supermarkets that sell. On the market today there are 2 types of common vegetable powder and many people use it is crisp jellyfish powder and flexible vegetable powder. However, in this dish we will use vegetable jelly powder because it is easy to implement and simpler way.

Next we add the sugar, vegetable jelly powder to a large bowl and mix well.

Step 3:

Jelly ball fruit, delicious cool summer bar Picture 3Jelly ball fruit, delicious cool summer bar Picture 3

With 7gr jelly jelly, we will give about 500-800ml of water is okay, put water in the pot, turn on the stove and boil the water up, when the water starts to boil, gently pour the sugar mixed with jelly powder into the pot, just poured we just used chopsticks to stir our hands and cook the boiling water pot again, turn down the heat and continue to cook for a few more minutes for the jelly inside and turn off the stove.

Step 4:

Prepare a tray with an enchanted shape or round shapes to hold fruits, for every small mold we will put 1/2 jelly in it, then put a piece of cut fruit in the middle, continue pouring The jelly is filled with molds and the lid is left on the top, so that the jelly is cooled down and the refrigerator is kept cool for jelly to freeze.

Jelly ball fruit, delicious cool summer bar Picture 4Jelly ball fruit, delicious cool summer bar Picture 4

After about 2 hours, the jelly will freeze, then take the jelly out of the mold, put the jelly in the bowl and pour fresh milk on top to enjoy this beautiful dish.

Jelly ball fruit, delicious cool summer bar Picture 5Jelly ball fruit, delicious cool summer bar Picture 5

Hopefully, the article guiding how to make the fruit jelly will be useful for you, wish you will succeed and have delicious dishes for your family on the upcoming summer days.

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