How to make 'fluffy' soft Korean sponge eggs

How to make Korean sponge eggs is very simple, it only takes about 15 minutes for you to have a delicious dish.

After garlic butter bread, Dalgona coffee, Twosome Icebox ice cream, Korean youths once again stirred up the netizens with a soft, fluffy egg dish (Souffle Omelette).

How to make Korean sponge eggs is very simple, it only takes about 15 minutes for you to have a delicious dish.

Raw materials need to be prepared

  1. 3 eggs
  2. Cheddar cheese
  3. Little butter, salt

How to make egg sponge (Souffle Omelette)

Step 1: Separate the yolk and egg white into 2 different bowls. Be careful not to leave the yolk remaining and the egg white!

How to make 'fluffy' soft Korean sponge eggs Picture 1How to make 'fluffy' soft Korean sponge eggs Picture 1

Step 2: Beat until the yolks are dissolved.

Step 3: Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat with a whisk until the whites are fine. You can use a whisk to beat if you do not have an electric whisk, paying attention to beat it thoroughly and continuously.

Step 4: Gently pour the whipped egg whites into the egg yolk part, using a whisk to mix well. When the yolks and whites blend together

Step 5: Continue to add the remaining trắng of egg white and continue mixing. You should not mix too well to avoid the mixture being dehydrated and losing the porosity of the whites.

Step 6: Put the pan on the stove, cover the pan with a thin layer of butter. Then pour in the egg mixture, spreading evenly across the pan to make the eggs thick enough.

How to make 'fluffy' soft Korean sponge eggs Picture 2How to make 'fluffy' soft Korean sponge eggs Picture 2

Step 7: Add a little Cheddar cheese on top to make the egg more delicious and fragrant. You can skip this step if you don't like cheese.

Step 8: Wait 2 minutes, when the egg starts to main, use a shovel to fold the eggs in half. Wait another 30 seconds - turn off the heat for 1 minute, put the eggs on a plate. So you have completed the 'floating' spongy egg dish with a beautiful yellow color, the taste is delicious, smooth and delicious foam.

How to make 'fluffy' soft Korean sponge eggs Picture 3How to make 'fluffy' soft Korean sponge eggs Picture 3

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