5 dishes from water lily stems that are delicious and easy to make

Water lilies are very beautiful, not only used as ornamental plants, as medicine but also can be processed into many delicious and nutritious dishes. Here are some dishes from water lily stems that are delicious and easy to make, please refer.

Water lilies are very beautiful, not only used as ornamental plants, as medicine but also can be processed into many delicious and nutritious dishes. The part of the gun used to process it into food is mainly a lily.

Here are some dishes from water lily stems that are delicious and easy to make, please refer.

5 dishes from water lily stems that are delicious and easy to make Picture 15 dishes from water lily stems that are delicious and easy to make Picture 1

1. Waterlily stems as vegetables

Vegetables living from water lilies are a familiar dish of the people in the South. The gun after stripping the shell, breaking the song into thin slices to make vegetables.

Water lily live with extremely delicious fish sauce.

5 dishes from water lily stems that are delicious and easy to make Picture 25 dishes from water lily stems that are delicious and easy to make Picture 2

2. Fluff gun


  1. A bunch of guns.
  2. Vinegar, sugar, lemon chili peppers.
  3. Roasted peanut.
  4. Grilled rice paper.
  5. Fish sauce

How to squeeze the lily of a lily

The gun stripped, peeled, washed, cut about 4 - 5cm. Then put the gun in the basin clean and then use your hand to gently squeeze, to avoid making the gun hand crushed.

Take a cup of vinegar, put in 2 tablespoons of sugar and stir until dissolved. Pour the cup of vinegar into the stem of the gun, add a little chopped laksa leaves and mix well.

Squeeze cotton dots with fish sauce or braised sauce warehouse extremely delicious.

3. Water lily salad


  1. Sticky shoots: 300g.
  2. Bean sprouts, carrots: Each type 100g.
  3. Shrimp 200g
  4. Bacon 150g
  5. Peanuts and onions
  6. Aromatic herbs, fresh peppers
  7. Other spices: fish sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt .

How to make salad from lily stem

Step 1: The gun is washed, stripped of the peel, cut to taste, may be double or left. Soak the gun soaked in boiling water to cool to add a little salt.

Step 2: Grated carrots, bean sprouts picked, then put in to soak in with the stems of guns. Soak for about 10 minutes, then take out, drain.

Step 3: Bacon is boiled, cooled and then cut into large fibers.

Step 4: Steamed and cooked shrimp. Roasted peanuts, peeled, crushed.

Step 5: Chopped fresh chillies, herbs after picking up and washed, waiting for the vegetables to drain, then chop them.

Step 6: Add a little fish sauce, vinegar, sugar to the bowl and dissolve and taste to taste. Then add the minced chili.

Step 7: Put all shrimp, bacon, stems, bean sprouts, carrots in a clean bowl. Then pour the bowl of water mixed with the above mixed salad and mix well. Let the ingredients soak in water, we wait about 5-7 minutes and then mix the herbs into the salad.

Step 8: Put water lily salad on a plate and sprinkle with roasted peanuts on top.

5 dishes from water lily stems that are delicious and easy to make Picture 35 dishes from water lily stems that are delicious and easy to make Picture 3

4. Boiled and fried lily stalks

The way to make boiled / stir-fried stems is quite simple. The gun can be washed, stripped, cut, boiled or sauteed with other vegetables.

5. Sour soup with water lilies


  1. Gun barrel: Strip off, cut the piece.
  2. Linh fish: Wash, cut off the head.
  3. Sour tamarind fruit.
  4. Tomatoes, braised vegetables, onions, scallions, and cilantro: Wash and drain.
  5. Chili, spices.

How to cook sour soup with water lily

Step 1: Boil a pot of boiling water, add tamarind until tender, remove, crushed, filtered to get water.

Step 2: Continue boiling the filtered water, adding tomatoes and seasoning to taste. Then, put the flexible fish into the pot. After about 5-6 minutes, the fish has cooked, continue to shoot the spice, spice. When the water boils again, turn off the heat, scoop out a bowl and sprinkle with braised vegetables and mound. Can add chili.

Water lily sour soup with rice, hot noodles are very delicious.

5 dishes from water lily stems that are delicious and easy to make Picture 45 dishes from water lily stems that are delicious and easy to make Picture 4

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