Learn how to make Korean moon cakes with green beans

With a small, lovely shape and many eye-catching colors, it will help the family's Mid-Autumn Moon tray be more vibrant and make your whole family feel interesting.

Cookies, flexible cakes are too familiar cakes for our Vietnamese whenever coming to Mid-Autumn Festival. After many years of enjoying the familiar cake, if you are bored with these cakes, then you can try out your skills with Korean moon cake with green beans to change the taste. for the whole family. With a small, lovely shape and many eye-catching colors, it will help the family's Mid-Autumn Moon tray be more vibrant and make your whole family feel interesting.

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  2. How to choose a safe moon cake
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Learn how to make Korean moon cakes with green beans Picture 1Learn how to make Korean moon cakes with green beans Picture 1

With this Korean moon cake, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  1. Glutinous water powder: 500g
  2. Peeled green beans: 150g
  3. Sugar: 150g
  4. Beetroot juice: 20ml
  5. Pineapple juice: 20ml
  6. Reserved water: 20ml
  7. Cooking oil: 50ml
  8. Grated coconut: 50g
  9. 1 small stick to shape

How to do the following:

Step 1:

Learn how to make Korean moon cakes with green beans Picture 2Learn how to make Korean moon cakes with green beans Picture 2

With this moon cake, green beans, its main ingredient is green beans, so you should buy the beans that have been milled, to reduce the process. After buying beans, soak beans in clean water for about 4 hours, then put the beans in a pot of cooked food. Then bring the peanut beans, put the beans in a pan north on the island with a small fire and continue for 100g sugar, 50g grated coconut, 50 ml of cooking oil and stir until the mixture becomes flexible. North pan of beans down to cool down the green beans then proceed to pass the beans into small cubes about the size of a thumb, then you put it on the plate.

Step 2:

Learn how to make Korean moon cakes with green beans Picture 3Learn how to make Korean moon cakes with green beans Picture 3

The next step is to take the Central powder, divide it evenly into 4 equal parts, the first part keeps the white powder, the remaining 3 parts mix the fruits and vegetables like beetroot, pineapple leaves . To create color The colors for the moon cakes are more eye-catching. In case there are no natural colored water available, you can also use a few drops of food colors to create colors to your liking.

Step 3:

Learn how to make Korean moon cakes with green beans Picture 4Learn how to make Korean moon cakes with green beans Picture 4

After putting the colored water in the dough, you knead thoroughly to make the water color soluble with the dough. Then, take a piece of flour, spread it thinly, put the prepared green bean on top and close it. You shape the cake in a fruitful, slightly oblong shape to 2 heads.

Step 4:

Learn how to make Korean moon cakes with green beans Picture 5Learn how to make Korean moon cakes with green beans Picture 5

Use a toothpick or fork to draw a shape on the body of the cake. You can use other colors to decorate the cake with an eye-catching part. Like decorating flowers or pictures of funny animals.

Step 5:

Learn how to make Korean moon cakes with green beans Picture 6Learn how to make Korean moon cakes with green beans Picture 6

Follow the sequence until the powder and green beans are gone. After that, place the cake on the plate to prepare steaming, before placing the cake on the plate you should smooth over the plate of cooking oil so that the cake will not stick after the steaming is done. Before steaming, you need to put water in the pot to boil water, put the cake in the steaming workshop, boil water for about 15-20 minutes for ripe cake to be good. When the cake is cooked, it will turn clear and soft, then the cooked cake can be taken out to enjoy.

With this Korean moon cake, you can eat hot or cool. But Koreans often eat cold will be able to enjoy all the flavor of the cake, and when the cake is cooled and slightly chewy and chewy combined with green beans and medium fat, it is very delicious. Mid-Autumn Festival Day is coming close, you can implement this new way to make Korean moon cake to exchange for the whole house!

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