How to make taut apple jam, delicious on Tet holiday

When Tet comes, it is also the time when the apple is in season, in addition to eating fresh and delicious apples, we can make our apples jam, sweet, sour, chewy to enjoy, treat friends and make gifts for all people.

When Tet comes, it is also the time when the apple is in season, in addition to eating fresh and delicious apples, we can make our apples jam, sweet, sour, chewy to enjoy, treat friends and make gifts for all people.

How to make apple jam is quite simple, you can refer to the formula below.

Ingredients for making apple jam

  1. Apples sour: 1kg
  2. Brown sugar: 600g
  3. Sour alum: 1 spoon
  4. Clear lime water

How to make taut apple jam, delicious on Tet holiday Picture 1How to make taut apple jam, delicious on Tet holiday Picture 1

Recipe and how to make apple jam

How to make taut apple jam, delicious on Tet holiday Picture 2How to make taut apple jam, delicious on Tet holiday Picture 2

Washed with apples, wait until drained, use skewers or skewers on the apple (oblique many holes and deep to the seeds).

How to make taut apple jam, delicious on Tet holiday Picture 3How to make taut apple jam, delicious on Tet holiday Picture 3

Dissolve 50g lime with water, wait for sediment and decant the clear water. Soak the apples that are skewered into clear lime water, paying attention to keep the apples in the water, doing so to make the apples hard and when the slugs are not crushed. After about 12 to 15 hours, drop the apple and rinse it several times with clean water to remove the smell of lime.

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Mix 1 tablespoon of alum into 2 liters of water, let this mixture boil. Put apples in a pot of alum and water for about 1-2 minutes. Remove the apples and rinse them under cold running water.

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Put apples in pots to marinate in a ratio of 1kg of apple + 600 grams of sugar. When the sugar dissolves, put it in a thick pot, turn on the heat until it boils, then set the fire to low. During the slug process, pay attention to cutting off the bubbles and use the wooden shovel to sink the apples to the sugar. Continue cooking until you see the apple inside, try it a bit, then turn off the heat.

How to make taut apple jam, delicious on Tet holiday Picture 8How to make taut apple jam, delicious on Tet holiday Picture 8

Want to dry jam, preserve longer, you can dry apples at 100 degrees C for about 50-60 minutes. If you don't have a dryer, you can dry your apples in the sun and wind for about 2 or 3 days. Then let the apple jam cool and put it in a storage box and eat it slowly.

The secret to making delicious and flexible jam is not crushed

  1. Choose sour apple, long and crispy fruit, not friable.
  2. It is necessary to soak the apple in lime water for about 6-8 hours to prevent the apple jam from being crushed.
  3. Should use apricot sugar for the color of apple jam is more beautiful.
  4. When apple slugs need to use thick pots and pans.If the apple slug on the bottom of the boiler is burnt due to the fire or by the pot, you just need to switch another pot and continue the slug.
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