In Windows, ownCloud requires installation of "Internet Information Services (IIS)" server. Although the instructions on the publisher's website recommend users to install Apache with PHP and MySQL but on XAMMP or WAMP servers and it does not work. Therefore, users should install IIS to run ownCloud. If you are using Windows 7, IIS is not installed by default. To install IIS, users need to enable it through 'Programs and Features' in Control Panel.
How to install ownCloud on Windows Picture 1
Select the CGI box under Application Development Features.
How to install ownCloud on Windows Picture 2
Next, download and install PHP and MySQL servers on Windows machines. Users can also download WAMP servers and use PHP and MySQL servers from there but make sure that IIS and Apache are not configured to run on the same port or they will conflict with each other and not run properly. After installing IIS, PHP and MySQL, download and install ownCloud. It is relatively simple, just download ownCloud, unzip and then copy this folder to the folder 'C: inetpubwwwroot'.
How to install ownCloud on Windows Picture 3
Note, users need to grant admin permissions to copy anything into the "wwwroot" directory. When you start copying, a Windows notification will appear, asking for admin permissions.
How to install ownCloud on Windows Picture 4
After copying, go to the config directory and rename ' config.sample.php ' to ' config.php '. Open the new folder renamed to 'config.php' and change the values of dbname , dbuser and dbpassword, other options to default. Open the browser and go to ' http:/// localhost / owncloud ' (without quotes). In case the user has copied all the files directly in the wwwroot directory, just type 'http:/// localhost /' to go to the Admin account page, fill in the fields and click the Create account button .
How to install ownCloud on Windows Picture 5
This will configure the basic settings of ownCloud, if you want to configure advanced user options that can be set up after using ownCloud. OwnCloud is the best cloud storage solution for small businesses that don't want to spend money on expensive cloud services. The only drawback of ownCloud is that it does not provide synchronization on the LAN, which means using more bandwidth in SMB.
I wish you all success!