How To Ensure That Your Senior Loved Ones Are Safe When You're Not Around

Caring for your senior loved ones can be a stressful experience even when you're living with them. This experience gets even more difficult when you have to care for them from a different city, and you can't be there physically to monitor their wellbeing.

Choosing the right way to take care of your senior loved ones when you're not around is always different for everybody. This is because you have to consider various factors which vary from one person to another.

For example, you have to consider your personal life, schedule, finances, and family dynamics before choosing the best method for you. Also, it's important to note that discussing with your senior loved ones the method you have in mind goes a long way.

This is because you have to ensure that the approach you go for aligns with their needs and it makes them feel safe and loved.

The following are some helpful tips to ensure that your senior loved ones are safe when you're not around them:

Picture 1 of How To Ensure That Your Senior Loved Ones Are Safe When You're Not Around

1. Find The Right Caregiver

Finding the right caregiver to take care of your senior loved ones is a very important step in ensuring that they will be safe when you're not around. However, it's important to note that every family's situation is different, and while some people benefit from an in-home caregiver, others are more suited by other arrangements.

However, before you decide on hiring any caregiver, it's important that you discuss their wishes to get the best one for them. This ensures that your senior loved ones have a lot more control over the important decisions regarding their lives.

When you discuss their wishes with them, you'll gain a better understanding of whether they'd prefer an in-home caregiver or to be moved into residential care like that of Arcare aged care facilities for their comfort. The latter might be the ideal option for them if they would like to be in the company of people their age while being cared for by trained professionals.

A professional caregiver is much-needed to care for your senior loved ones, more so when you're not around. This is because they have the necessary experience to deal with all kinds of situations that might emerge while you're away.

2. Use Modern Technology To Stay In Touch

Modern technology is the best way you can stay in touch with your senior loved ones, more so when you're not around. This is the ideal time to make use of modern technology to care for your senior loved ones because there are so many options out there to explore.

For example, almost everyone is becoming familiar with video communication and voice-enabled functions. These options are particularly important to ensure that you keep in touch with your parents anytime you want and get updated on their needs and wellbeing.

With this in mind, ensure that you teach your senior loved ones how they can navigate smartphones, tablets, or even computers using voice commands to communicate with you. Platforms such as FaceTime and Skype are great methods to communicate with them in real-time video form.

3. Keep A Care Notebook

Even though the caregiver you hire to take care of your senior loved ones will most definitely keep documentation of medication administration and general health information, having a separate one for you is just as important.

In this care notebook, you'll be noting down the medications they're currently using and the interval they should be administered. You can also note down the next doctor's appointments to remind the caregiver in case they end up forgetting.

These are some of the things that you will be communicating with your elderly parent or relative whenever you visit or through the phone. You can also use the care notebook to note down your senior loved ones' input and ideas about what they'd prefer their caregiving to be like.

4. Ask For Help

Picture 2 of How To Ensure That Your Senior Loved Ones Are Safe When You're Not Around

Taking care of a senior loved one can be very challenging. In moments when you feel the whole process getting a little bit tough, remember that no one can do everything by themselves. We all need help at some point, and you shouldn't be afraid to ask for it.

Fortunately, there is a lot of information and resources you can access online about ensuring that your senior loved ones are safe when you're not around. Ensure that you use these resources and come up with more creative and effective approaches to take care of them. You can also consult your friends on what approaches work best for them and maybe give it a try.

Caring for your senior loved ones while you away from the present its own challenges but using the above tips will help you keep everything under control. It's also important that you keep on learning and exploring more options when caring for them as they get older.

Update 06 May 2021


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