How to choose between 'what you do best' and 'your favorite thing'? - Should I quit my job to pursue passion?

The following article will help those who are in dilemma, do not know whether to choose the job that they can do the best or the job you really want to do by giving the strengths and weaknesses of each make a choice.

Career - or work - is one of the most important things in everyone's life. A person's job will determine his position in society. In the old West, families like Miller, Smith or Schneider all came from their careers, such as Miller who worked in the mills, Smith as blacksmiths or Schneider to refer tailors. . Even today, the influence of our profession on our lives remains important . In the professional world there will be people who are very capable in their work and are also completely satisfied with what they are doing. But most of us are not satisfied with certain aspects of our work.

Picture 1 of How to choose between 'what you do best' and 'your favorite thing'? - Should I quit my job to pursue passion?

Skill and passion

Below is an example of a person who is unhappy with his job. Although she is very good at developing iOS platform applications and also earns a lot with this job, she loves and wants to pursue her career in art and graphic design. If you leave your successful career, many people will assume it's a completely stupid decision. But there are still people who advise her to listen to her heart. The following article will help those who are in dilemma, do not know whether to choose the job that they can do the best or the job you really want to do by giving the strengths and weaknesses of each make a choice.

Choose a job that you can do well

1. Skills

  1. Strength

Doing a good job means you have good skills in that job. Becoming an expert gives you an important position in the overall working mechanism of the organization you are working with. With the acquired skills, you can be ready to take on new challenges, come up with solutions and bring about many benefits in terms of benefits , all will make your boss happy.

  1. Weakness

From professional skills are very difficult as in engineering, design to additional skills such as business development or public relations, all have a saturation point.No matter how good you are in the field, there will be a time when you cannot advance . After achieving this point, you will only continue to work on the skills you already have with the ability to learn more.

Picture 2 of How to choose between 'what you do best' and 'your favorite thing'? - Should I quit my job to pursue passion?

2. Income

  1. Strength

Who doesn't like money? When doing a good job and choosing the right place to work, money will not stop flowing into your pocket. The story becomes much more interesting when you get paid for things that you can easily do even while you sleep, that is, with your skills, you don't need to work too hard to achieve. target.

  1. Weakness

In almost all jobs, there is always a limit on income that you can earn. There are certain jobs that no matter how good you are, you cannot increase your income once you reach the limit. Of course, you can do more as a freelancer but this will only make you feel exhausted. Moreover, no matter how good you are, getting a high salary depends on luck , not just on talent. While there are people who are good at doing things that they are good at, there are other very talented people who are not able to do it just because they have no chance.

Picture 3 of How to choose between 'what you do best' and 'your favorite thing'? - Should I quit my job to pursue passion?

3. Service life

  1. Strength

Good in a specific field will definitely bring a long career (in that area). The better you will be, the longer you will stay in the industry, thereby increasing your reputation and reputation . In addition, when you do your job well, your bosses will also realize and the likelihood of being eliminated in personnel reductions is also reduced.

  1. Weakness

When you are good at something, you tend to stick with it for a long time, but this sometimes creates boredom , especially when the work lasts for ten years.

Picture 4 of How to choose between 'what you do best' and 'your favorite thing'? - Should I quit my job to pursue passion?

Choose the job you want to do

1. Satisfied

  1. Strength

There is no way to bring satisfaction to a better job than to do what you really want to do.Your love for work will make you devoted to it . Even if you have to accept it because some other factor is not as expected, just feeling satisfied is enough to compensate. However, if you fall into the scenario of doing things that you are not passionate about, the energy will fall every day when you come to the office and the feeling of anger and fatigue will increase.

  1. Weakness

Satisfaction is a key factor in achieving success in your career, but when you have to take on the responsibility of raising your family or any other obligation, you change jobs just by pursuing your own satisfaction. may cause you problems, especially financially. Another point of elimination is that too passionate about work can negatively affect your ability to balance work - life, adversely affecting your health, your personal life and your family.

Picture 5 of How to choose between 'what you do best' and 'your favorite thing'? - Should I quit my job to pursue passion?

2. Refresh your career

  1. Strength

No matter how good you are in your work, when pursuing a dream career, this beginning will be like a new wind F5 for your career. It can spark passion, enthusiasm and bring about a full energy source for work.

  1. Weakness

Career is not a joke. From the beginning of his career, one should focus all the energy he has to develop in that field and go to the farthest destination. If a new start takes you out of the old office, leaves the place where you have devoted a lot of energy and effort to become a new person, a completely newbie, this decision needs to be considered carefully. .

Picture 6 of How to choose between 'what you do best' and 'your favorite thing'? - Should I quit my job to pursue passion?

3. Motivation

  1. Strength

Working in the field you love will definitely bring you more motivation to work. No matter how late you start your career, the excitement and desire to work will help you quickly step up to higher levels. This factor plays a decisive role to help you climb the career ladder you are pursuing, and thus make you more motivated.

  1. Weakness

To get motivated is easy but maintaining that motivation is not a simple thing, and that's where the problem starts. A person can easily say things like " chasing the dream ", " being his own boss " but to be truly committed to yourself, you will have to work harder and diligently every day and over how much you think.

When deciding to do what you like and decide to rely on it to earn money for yourself and your family, motivation can disappear very quickly. Don't forget, when turning passion into a career means you bring both customers, bosses, deadlines and obligations. These things can make the job as funny as when it was a passion.

Picture 7 of How to choose between 'what you do best' and 'your favorite thing'? - Should I quit my job to pursue passion?


Many people still dream that they can do something or have a certain career throughout their lives. However, different situations that happen continuously and unforgiving before that dream can make your decision wrong.Should you continue the path you have chosen, especially when you have built your own stand, or turn your head and try once to follow your dream? The answer to this question depends on you and the choice you prioritize in your life.

Picture 8 of How to choose between 'what you do best' and 'your favorite thing'? - Should I quit my job to pursue passion?

The girl in the example above decided to continue her iOS development career, while cultivating graphic design preferences by learning the front-end interface design for iOS applications. The idea here is to create conditions to create a gradual transition to a new career. With a bit of tactics and calculations (and perhaps a bit of luck too) you will also know how to manage and balance both instead of just choosing 1 in 2.

Author: Arfa Mirza

Update 24 May 2019


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