Why is it so hard to pursue what you're passionate about?

Why is it so hard to pursue what you're passionate about? Let us read this article to find out!
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' Choose the job you love and you'll never have to work again .'

I'm not sure who said this. Like all other inspirational sayings, we often don't know its origins. The above statement is said to be from Confucius - but may not be accurate. In any case, it is really the worst cliche I have ever known and it will make many people feel extremely miserable. Ironically, it seems quite popular and cited many times in the topics of 'life choices'.

The above quote mentions an idea that if your career is something that you really are passionate about, taking the time to do it every day is not difficult. It is even considered not like the work anymore. You will wake up every day and just want to rush to work, do as much as possible without feeling pressure.

Why is it so hard to pursue what you're passionate about? Picture 1Why is it so hard to pursue what you're passionate about? Picture 1

According to the above statement, if you like graphic design and you decide to open your own graphic design studio, you will always feel happy and happy to do what you love. Obviously, this is just the surface of this quote. It is the right advice when someone asks you how to be happy and happy at work.

However, it is also silly. It is silly because it cannot solve the reality no matter what you are doing and no matter how much you like to do it, sooner or later you will hate and want to give up. Sooner or later, your favorite job will become difficult, will be very stressful and you will feel frightened yourself. Everything can happen without you, you can make the wrong choice or feel extremely tired. Maybe for some good reason or maybe not.

Why is it so hard to pursue what you're passionate about? Picture 2Why is it so hard to pursue what you're passionate about? Picture 2

Even if you follow your own 'call', there is nothing that makes you feel happy forever. And then at a certain time or place you won't want to continue.

Because work is always full of difficulties and pressures. And then it became better. It is the career cycle of everyone, including the richest or worst billionaires on this planet.You don't always love your job and you don't always want to do it . If your job is something you're passionate about, you might eventually lose your passion and feel like there's no interest at all.

Why is it so hard to pursue what you're passionate about? Picture 3Why is it so hard to pursue what you're passionate about? Picture 3

Do what you love extremely hard!

I thought that I always loved music. Always.

But do you know what makes me hate music? Those are the times of recording. Performance contracts until late at night. The way home is long. The audience doesn't want to hear me sing. I don't know how to choose music to suit each recording. Any one of them or all.

I thought I was always passionate about business and starting a business. Always.

But do you know what makes me feel so much hate them, even once I wanted to give up? Customer does not pay. Products cannot be sold. Everyone criticized me for unwarranted reasons. Many people do not answer calls, read emails or do not want to cooperate with me.

Why is it so hard to pursue what you're passionate about? Picture 4Why is it so hard to pursue what you're passionate about? Picture 4

I thought I always liked blogging. Always.

But do you know what makes me hate it, even hate it? Must write on all holidays. Can't go to sleep because I haven't finished writing a song yet. Anxiety will run out of ideas to write. Crisis because my posts are still not attractive enough and erase all that was written.

These three jobs are all my passion. Especially the music. I almost always love those jobs but sometimes I really hate them. There are many times when everything piles up and all I want to do is give up. There seems to be no reason for me to continue. I realize this happens periodically. I really don't know when it will come and how it doesn't happen. It's the same every time.

When I started hating things I did, I knew I had a choice.Either give up, or continue . Really just that simple. Option A or option B? The first choice was easier, but in my experience, I was lying on my couch, watching Scrubs and eating Pop Tart. The second option is much more difficult because it leads to a failure, but the only way for me to pass without hating myself.

Why is it so hard to pursue what you're passionate about? Picture 5Why is it so hard to pursue what you're passionate about? Picture 5

Do what you love very hard . That's something no one wants to hear. But the good news is always interruption and then everything can be better than before. No matter how you hate what you do, you will regain your passion. Sometimes, you can just take a few days off, change your lifestyle or take a week off doing nothing. You really have to ask yourself which aspects of the project, career or business make you have negative thoughts in your life and find a way to get out of them.

Can you terminate the contract with that fastidious customer? Can you cut down on sitting time at the office? Can you change the way you "promote" yourself? Can you hire another person to do the job you feel sick of?

Doing something you love will be very difficult. I said so? However, that doesn't mean you should give up . It just wants to say that you have to be assertive, strong, ready to receive, give love to it more, put a lot of effort to do and face reality.

As long as you realize you are not hiding from pressure, hard times, tough challenges, it may be worthwhile to pursue your passion. Then one day, you will not feel regret for starting a business, blogging or a lot of effort for music. I don't feel regret doing it. But I also have a more realistic look. I don't expect to wake up every morning to feel how beautiful my world is or if I can do everything I want and feel happy.

But I often wake up with that feeling. So you will be the same. Please rest assured!

Author: Jon Westenberg

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Having fun!

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