Great way to 'read taste' of other people's personality through 7 simple signs

Just observe the style of shoes, colors, strokes, handshakes, nail biting habits .... of any person, you will easily grasp their character.

When we first meet someone, especially customers, partners or dates . we often want to quickly know the character of the enemy to easily adjust our behavior and "steer "story in the right direction. At the same time, this also helps you to make a decision whether to share more with them instead of being cautious.

The initial assessment of a person's personality will be useful in many cases, especially when making a decision to pursue a relationship, signing a contract of sale, purchase, exchange of goods, recruitment of personnel. New members often accept a job offer . To help you partially shape someone's personality during the first meeting, let's go through the following 7 simple ways and try to guess The personality of the next person right away.

1. Handwriting

Picture 1 of Great way to 'read taste' of other people's personality through 7 simple signs

"Sharpen the word"

One study showed that the lettering and size of the strokes may reflect certain characteristics of a person. According to the survey conducted by the National Pen Company , those who own small letters tend to be shy, meticulous and very hardworking. In contrast, people who write large strokes are usually easy to approach and like to attract the attention of others.
Those who are strict and do everything well, when writing often put more force into the pen; meanwhile, a comfortable pen habit reflects a person who is sympathetic and quite sensitive.

2. Colors

Picture 2 of Great way to 'read taste' of other people's personality through 7 simple signs

Personality and colors

According to a study published in Psychology Today , the colors of costumes tend to reflect much on your true self. Those who choose black are usually quite sensitive, artistically and like to focus on details. Meanwhile, red represents a dynamic, "super" active person who is always full of energy to pursue their goals.

Green lovers are often loyal and emotional. White lovers are disciplined and everything is scientifically arranged, while those with blue preferences are trustworthy, sophisticated and always considerate others.

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3. Bite your nails

Picture 3 of Great way to 'read taste' of other people's personality through 7 simple signs

Nail biting is an expression of anxious people

Repetitive behaviors such as nail biting, scratching your ears or your skin often reflect feelings of impatience, boredom, confusion and frustration. For nail biting people, it is also said to be a perfectionist, but also nervous and nervous.

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4. Shoe type

Picture 4 of Great way to 'read taste' of other people's personality through 7 simple signs

"Measure" personality with . style shoes

According to psychologists, a person can accurately assess someone's personality by looking at shoes. According to leading researcher Omri Gillath from the University of Kansas , by checking the cost of shoes, style, color and condition of the shoe, you can guess exactly 90% of income, the main point of view. value, gender and age of any person.

5. Eyes

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The eye is the window of the soul

The eyes are the windows to the soul. The eyes can tell what you are thinking, feeling and whether you are sincere or fake. According to many studies, people with blue eyes are often quite fierce and easily addicted to alcohol compared to those with black eyes.

In communication, if you do not use gestures of the eyes (eye-contact), you may also be judged as a lack of goodwill and reserved. Maintaining this routine will have an extremely bad impact on your personal image as well as sustainability in your relationships.

6. Discipline about time

Picture 6 of Great way to 'read taste' of other people's personality through 7 simple signs

Time and personality

In an appointment, whether you come early or late shows the positive or negative traits of your personality. Being late for an important appointment is that you have created a bad impression of yourself, while coming early confirms that you are a time-conscious, disciplined and active person.

7. How to shake hands

Picture 7 of Great way to 'read taste' of other people's personality through 7 simple signs

The way to shake hands also tells a lot about your personality

People with healthy handshakes are often very confident, extroverted, strong emotions, so they rarely keep calm. Meanwhile, a weak handshake is a sign of lack of confidence and often does not dare to risk. Obviously, the handshake alone is enough to judge whether you are friendly or alert.

Update 24 May 2019


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