'Read taste' personality through arrangement and decoration of the desk
The rumor that people own messy rooms, their minds are "messy". You may have heard that they belong to the type of creators, artists and investors. The artists in Hollywood movies are also said to live in warehouses, paint splashed on giant canvas paintings and their wardrobes, extending from the bedroom to the kitchen. Nearby, a few cats fiddled with cereal boxes, splashing the dough and an odd collection of scarves that were turned into veil-colored curtains that made the light in the room more and more should be dim.
According to some research has been done, the living space or work space also reflects the personality of each person and not only one type. The relationship between the messy space and the creator above is only the starting point. So what other types of personality and what types of workspaces do you have? The following section will clarify these questions for you and do not forget to "read the position" right away of the colleagues sitting next to you!
1. The Clutterer (clutter)
Extroverts are messy people! And according to one study, extroverts often quickly feel depressed with things that are too familiar, so they often light their "small corners" with glittering objects, flashing lights and colorful heads. something else they feel excited about. An extrovert is always attracted to things that are out of their daily life - more precisely, the things in their heads are often not things that are visible in front of them.
'Read taste' personality through arrangement and decoration of the desk Picture 1
With an extrovert, "messy" is not negative or disorganized. In contrast, their clutter is "organized", and it's a simple way for their world to become richer. Therefore, there is no doubt that the clutter (organized) can be a candy dish or something interesting like that to "tempt" people around . They love the conversation, they like to be connected to the outside. They are energized by those things and the things around them.
2. The Minimalist ("minimalist")
'Read taste' personality through arrangement and decoration of the desk Picture 2
The minimalist style contrasts with those who aspire to artize everything around them. "Minimalists" live in their world with neatness and just enough essentials. They are vivacious, disciplined, tidy and controlled. They always have a plan for themselves and organizational skills are what most companies look for. They have sharp pens, open books and they always know the location of everything they have. However, "The Minimalist" is not completely assertive and in general, is somewhat mysterious.
3. The Expander ("expander")
"The Expander" likes to own their space, rather, they want a real sense of ownership. They like to take advantage of everything and maximize the benefits they bring. Everyone knows this type of person because they rarely leave something out of their "area" every day.
'Read taste' personality through arrangement and decoration of the desk Picture 3
This style reflects in part the behavior known as "Territoriality" of humans. Understanding a simple way is that people shrink everything by region, city, road, neighbor, house, room, table and finally the current position / stand. Like other animals, we like to delimit boundaries for things that belong to us and mark them in many ways.
"The Expander" is always wary of everything in its share with others. However, when they get angry, don't be afraid because you can "attack" again.
4. The Surveyor ("supervisor")
"The Surveyor" always positions themselves in the way that their desks or spaces become an "observatory" but one thing, not everyone recognizes this. They are smart people and always know what's happening around them. In addition, a wall at the back is always a great option when they find a place to work because this helps them increase safety.
'Read taste' personality through arrangement and decoration of the desk Picture 4
"The Surveyor" also shows some signs of "hibernation", nothing, insecurity or anxiety like introverts and they need to control their space to understand what's going on. with them better. They are very scared but often calm and hard-working, and also possess creative brains.
"The Surveyor" is also polite, friendly and sweet people when someone needs them to help. However, don't scare them from behind if you find them off guard.
5. The Personaliser ("personal")
'Read taste' personality through arrangement and decoration of the desk Picture 5
You like to "personalize" your belongings, you are more likely to belong to this group of people. With the random classification of stylish personal belongings, "The Personaliser" is also the type of candidate that many companies seek. They are confident, curious, knowledgeable, knowledgeable and open. They do not exhibit their knowledge but are extremely confident and like to "occupy" the spaces in open positions like windows - a good choice to stimulate imagination and creativity.
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