For the first time in 4 years, Google Translate is adding new languages

Google Translate is one of the most popular free online translation tools in the world today.

Google Translate is one of the most popular free online translation tools in the world today. Almost anyone who uses the internet at least once has to use this automated translation tool for many different purposes.

Google Translate is getting better and better, not only in the interface and quality of the translation, but also in the number of languages ​​it supports. Recently, for the first time in 4 years, Google Translate has added new language options, not 1 but 5 different language packs. With this quality addition, Google Translate now supports a total of 108 languages, and is currently the translation tool that supports the most languages ​​available today.

Five new languages ​​have been added: Kinywarwanda, Odia (Oriya), Tatar, Turkmen and Uyghur - relatively unfamiliar to most of us, however they are being used by more than 75 million people worldwide. These languages ​​are supported for both text translation and website translation. In particular, the 3 languages ​​Kinyarwanda, Tatar and Uyghur also support typing on the virtual keyboard, so you can access the translation even when using the keyboard with other languages. The only minus is that these 5 languages ​​do not yet support spoken translations, but this feature will be added in the future.

Picture 1 of For the first time in 4 years, Google Translate is adding new languages

Mountain View Company does not forget to thank Google Translate Community for its important contributions, contributing to the launch of new language packs, and calling users to contribute their ideas. Improve translation quality.

With the help of artificial intelligence, specifically Neural Machine Translation (NMT) technology, Google Translate is gradually becoming more comprehensive than ever. Currently, instant translations on Google Translate have significantly better accuracy than a few years ago, reducing 55 to 85% of errors with certain language pairs.

Update 28 February 2020


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