Common keyboard shortcuts for browsers

Web browsers today use a large number of shortcuts, enabling users to quickly and conveniently operate.

Web browsers today use a large number of shortcuts, enabling users to quickly and conveniently operate. Although each web browser has its own shortcuts, web browsers also use common shortcuts.

Picture 1 of Common keyboard shortcuts for browsers

These shortcuts will help you a lot when browsing the web on web browsers that you should know.

Working with Tab

Picture 2 of Common keyboard shortcuts for browsers

Ctrl +1 - 8: Switch tabs in sequence, counting from left tab.

Ctrl + 9: Go to the last tab.

Ctrl + Tab: Switch from the current tab to the next tab (right tab).

Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Undo a tab from the current tab (the tab immediately to the left).

Ctrl + W / Ctrl + F4: Close the tab that is currently being reviewed.

Ctrl + Shift + T: Restore the recently closed tab.

Picture 3 of Common keyboard shortcuts for browsers

Ctrl + T: Open a new tab.

Ctrl + N: Open a new browsing window.

Alt + F4: Close the currently used browser window.

Working with the mouse on the tab

Select the middle mouse on the tab: Close the current tab.

Ctrl + select left mouse button / select middle mouse: Open the link in a new tab, the browser is still in the current tab.

Shift + left mouse button: Open a link in a new window, the browser switches to a new window.

Ctrl + Shift + left mouse button: Open a link in a new tab and the browser will move to that tab.


Alt + left arrow / press the Backspace button: Return to the previous webpage.

Alt + right arrow / press Shift + Backspace: Reopen page before returning.

F5: Reload the current page.

Ctrl + F5: Reload the page and skip the cache, reload the entire current web page.

Escape (Esc): Stop reloading.

Alt + Home: Open the homepage.

Picture 4 of Common keyboard shortcuts for browsers

Maximize / Minimize current web page

Ctrl and + / Ctrl + mouse cursor: Zoom into the web.

Ctrl and - / Ctrl + scroll down: Minimize web.

Ctrl + 0: Return to the default mode of the site.

F11: Open the current web page in full screen mode.

Picture 5 of Common keyboard shortcuts for browsers

Move / Scroll pages

Space / Page Down: Scroll the web page down one paragraph.

Shift + Space / Page up: Scroll web page up one paragraph.

Home: Moves the web page to the top of the page.

End: Moves the web page to the bottom of the page.

Select the middle mouse: Scroll the website up and down by scrolling the mouse.

Picture 6 of Common keyboard shortcuts for browsers

The web address bar

Ctrl + L / Alt + D / F6: Highlight the web address in the address bar.

Ctrl + Enter: After entering the website address, this key combination will add the prefix "www" and the suffix ".com" to the address and load the web page.

Alt + Enter: Open the web page in the address bar in a new tab. You need to put the mouse on the address bar and then press this key combination.


Ctrl + K / Ctrl + E: The mouse cursor moves to the search box, if the browser does not have the search box the mouse pointer will move to the web address bar.

Alt + Enter: Search in a new tab.

Ctrl + F / F3: Open the search box right on the web page.

Ctrl + G / F3: Move to the next search result in the web page.

Ctrl + Shift + G / Shift + F3: Move to the previous search result.

Picture 7 of Common keyboard shortcuts for browsers

Browsing history and Bookmark

Ctrl + H: Open browsing history, if the current tab is a web page, the browsing history will be opened in a new tab. If the current tab is a new tab, the browsing history will open in the current tab.

Ctrl + J: Open download history page.

Ctrl + D: Bookmark the current web page.

Ctrl + Shift + Del: Open a window to clear browsing history.

Picture 8 of Common keyboard shortcuts for browsers

Other functions

Ctrl + P: Print the current web page.

Ctrl + S: Save the current web page on your computer.

Ctrl + O: Open the file from the computer.

Ctrl + U: Open source of current web page (not applicable IE).

F12: Open web development tools, usually for programmers.

With the above keyboard shortcuts, hope to help you.

Update 18 May 2020


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