How to turn Ruler on and off, ruler bar aligning margins in Word
To help you format standard Word documents and quickly the Ruler ruler is an indispensable tool, it helps you to quickly format specially to help all paragraphs of the indentation follow the standard. The following article will help you turn on and off the ruler when needed in Office 2016.
For example, when you want to format text one line indented, but the Ruler bar is not displayed, the formatting becomes difficult:
How to turn Ruler on and off, ruler bar aligning margins in Word Picture 1
To display Ruler ruler bar is very simple operation. You can do one of the following:
Method 1: Display the ruler ruler using the key combination
When the Ruler bar does not appear, simply press Alt + W -> all the corresponding shortcut keys are displayed as shown:
How to turn Ruler on and off, ruler bar aligning margins in Word Picture 2
In the next step, you only need to press R -> ruler bar results to display in vertical and horizontal lines on your text:
How to turn Ruler on and off, ruler bar aligning margins in Word Picture 3
In case for some reason you don't want to display Ruler on the text, keep pressing Alt + W and R keys again.
After the Ruler ruler is displayed, you can format it as you want, for example, indenting cells for the entire text:
How to turn Ruler on and off, ruler bar aligning margins in Word Picture 4
Method 2: Display the Ruler ruler bar through the View tab
To display the Ruler bar, go to the View -> Show -> tab and select the Ruler section :
How to turn Ruler on and off, ruler bar aligning margins in Word Picture 5
Ruler ruler bar results are displayed:
How to turn Ruler on and off, ruler bar aligning margins in Word Picture 6
In case you want to turn off the Ruler bar, you just need to uncheck the Ruler section :
How to turn Ruler on and off, ruler bar aligning margins in Word Picture 7
So with a few simple operations you can turn on / off the ruler ruler to help you quickly format your text. Good luck!
You should read it
- How to use the Ruler ruler bar in Word
- How to display the ruler on the computer screen
- How to display Ruler ruler bar in Micorosoft Word 2010, Word 2003, 2007, 2013 and Word 2016
- How to display the Ruler bar in Word versions
- Ruler is displayed in Word 2010, 2013 and 2016 in Word
- How to show the ruler in Word 2010 and the rule bar in Word 2010
- How to indent the first line in Word
- How to display the Ruler bar in Excel
- Find the hidden Ruler bar in Word very quickly
- How to display the Ruler (alignment bar) in Word
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