Check and detect original or edited images with JPEGsnoop

Many times you encounter important images of leaked products online, while it has not been officially announced by the company.

Many times you encounter important images of leaked products online, while it has not been officially announced by the company.

However, in most cases these image files are created using Photoshop or image editing software. JPEGsnoop is a free application that can help you analyze in detail and detect whether the image has been edited or original.

In addition, JPEGsnoop can help you detect various settings that are used in digital cameras when taking photos (EXIF metadata, IPTC). JPEGsnoop reports what digital cameras or software may have been used to create that image. This is extremely useful in determining whether or not an image has been modified / falsified in any way.

Below is the result of the test conducted on 2 image files - one of which uses the Paint image editing tool to edit and another is the original from the camera.

Picture 1 of Check and detect original or edited images with JPEGsnoop

In the above analysis of the program, you can see that the application reports images such as processing or editing.

With the second image file there is no correction and is taken with a Canon digital camera. And the results returned with the evaluation of the program are high probability images from the original (Image has high probability of being original).

In addition JPEGsnoop returns a lot of information including: color mode, brightness, JPEG image quality settings, JPEG resolution settings, Huffman tables, EXIF ​​metadata, Makernotes, RGB charts, .

Alternatively, you can enable a Huffman VLC full decoder, which will help those who are learning about JPEG compression and who are writing a JPEG decoder.

JPEGsnoop can open and decrypt files containing any embedded JPEG image files such as: .JPG, .THM, .AVI *, .DNG, .CRW, .CR2, .NEF, .ORF, .PEF , .MOV, .PDF.

JPEGsnoop is a very useful application to get all the details and analysis of any JPEG image you want.

You download the program for free use here.

Update 25 May 2019


Mac OS X



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