BrailleNote Apex - notebook for the visually impaired

Humanware, the manufacturer of visually impaired devices in the United States, has continued to introduce a new line of notebooks that are part of the BrailleNote Braille generation with the full name BrailleNote Apex.

Humanware, the manufacturer of visually impaired devices in the United States, has continued to introduce a new line of notebooks that are part of the BrailleNote Braille generation with the full name BrailleNote Apex.

It is a product that the company expects to become a digital friend who always accompanies the visually impaired and will help them work and study better in parallel with providing them with a communication with Network community, connecting friends more widely and easily.

Picture 1 of BrailleNote Apex - notebook for the visually impaired

BrailleNote Apex uses Window CE 6 operating system with a variety of customized software for blinds on Braille keys in accordance with Braille and other function keys. Built-in internal flash memory with 8GB capacity and external peripheral connections such as SD card slot, WiFi, Ethernet, Bluetooth, VGA port and 3 USB 2.0 ports.

Picture 2 of BrailleNote Apex - notebook for the visually impaired
Picture 3 of BrailleNote Apex - notebook for the visually impaired

BrailleNote Apex is designed to be compact, only about two-thirds of a normal notebook keyboard and will have two product lines: BrailleNote Apex BT (using conventional Braille and BrailleNote Apex QT input methods ( use the QWERTY keyboard input method). There is no official announcement on BrailleNote Apex on the market yet, you are interested in visiting the Humanware homepage at the source link for more details.

Picture 4 of BrailleNote Apex - notebook for the visually impaired

Update 25 May 2019


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