Assign SSL security mechanism to WordPress blog

One of the most important issues when we operate, work or play on the Internet is security. Whether you are at home, work, library or public access point, the surroundings are always full of disasters from malware, keylogger programs, hackers ... - One of the most important issues when we operate, work or play on the Internet is security. Whether you are at home, work, library or public access point, the surroundings are always hidden with many disasters from malicious software, keylogger programs, hackers . For WordPress blogs, the information The most important thing to note is the Username and Password names. In the following article, we will introduce you some basic steps to increase the safety and security of WordPress blog site by adding SSL authentication mechanism.

Technically, when using the SSL mechanism, your entire data will be encrypted before being transmitted over the Internet. And this data format after encryption will become much safer, because no one can use it except ourselves. To enable SSL Security mode in WordPress blog, you need to have an SSL Certificate (contact the host service if not yet), then follow the steps below.

First, open the website's root directory using cPanel File Manager or an application that supports FTP (recommend File Manager instead of FTP ), then find and open the wp-config.php file . This is the main configuration file of WordPress and of course, it is very important to the entire blog system. What you need to do here is that you assign the following code to the file, anywhere:

/ * Enable SSL Encryption * /
define ('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true );
define ('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true );

Save changes, and from this moment WordPress Admin page will always load SSL Encryption mode. For example, your blog is in the form , so it will now become .

Picture 1 of Assign SSL security mechanism to WordPress blog

Very simple and easy, wish you success!

Update 25 May 2019


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