Apple began to fear Samsung

An internal Apple document that Samsung uses as evidence during copyright trials between the two companies has shown that some of Apple's people fear iPhone sales may decline due to competitors' days. more products with better hardware and services.

An internal Apple document that Samsung uses as evidence during copyright trials between the two companies has shown that some of Apple's people fear iPhone sales may decline due to competitors' days. more products with better hardware and services.

The page Re / code of news Samsung has presented the above document during the cross-checking process of Apple Senior Vice President Phil Schiller .

Picture 1 of Apple began to fear Samsung

Phil Schiller, senior vice president of Apple

The document was gathered by a group of Apple salespeople and was not made public, revealing that many Apple members were worried about the possibility that the iPhone market share would fall despite Apple leaders appearing in public and affirmed the position of the iPhone.

Specifically, internal Apple has realized the hardware power of Google's competitors and Android ecosystem. " Competitors have drastically improved their hardware and in some cases improved ecosystems, " wrote the document.

Most of the growth in smartphone sales comes from large screen devices or low-cost devices, while the iPhone is not among the two growth groups - iPhone is small and expensive. According to Business Insider , this will explain why Apple is about to produce big screen iPhones early next month.

While Apple is well known for its unique marketing strategy, they are also being marginalized with advertising competitors like Samsung. The document says that Android device manufacturers are " spending money on advertising and / or distribution channels to attract attention ".

Meanwhile, Apple became dissatisfied with its advertisements in early 2013 and it has considered replacing its advertising agency Media Arts Lab since 1997. That's not surprising, because last summer, Bloomberg wrote that Media Art Labs leader was angry about the lack of focus on meetings with Schiller - who is running marketing campaigns at Apple and running meetings since Steve Jobs left in 2011.

In response to the above content, Schiller said that he did not agree with many parts of this document and that it did not represent Apple's policy.

Update 25 May 2019


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