The 7-year dispute over the iPhone patent between Apple and Samsung also came to an end

Apple and Samsung finally ended the war around accusing Samsung of copying Apple's iPhone.

Apple and Samsung finally ended the war around accusing Samsung of copying Apple's iPhone. In the recent trial, Judge Lucy Koh said the two sides had reached a final agreement. Details of this agreement were not disclosed.

Controversy began in 2011 and led to Samsung's compensation for the $ 1 billion Apple. But the incident has not ended here. The protracted appeal brought the dispute to the Supreme Court, companies continue to "warm up" the case and how much Samsung owed Apple due to the copyright infringement.

This dispute revolves around a number of patents for design and utility for the basic functions of a smartphone, such as touching to zoom or grid view on the Home screen. Although talking about specific patents, this battle is actually about Samsung imitating Apple from the beginning. The jury has determined that it is.

Recently, the ruling has reduced the level of compensation to $ 539 million and Samsung has again filed an appeal earlier this month. But the two sides made a final agreement before executing this decision.

Apple declined to provide details about the general agreement, only mentioning what they had said in May: 'We deeply believe in the value of the design and we worked tirelessly. to create innovative products pleasing to customers. This case is not just for money. Apple has started the smartphone revolution with the iPhone and the fact that Samsung has copied our design. We need to continue to protect the hard work of many people at Apple.

We are very grateful to the jury and very pleased that they agreed that Samsung must compensate for copying our products. '

The 7-year dispute over the iPhone patent between Apple and Samsung also came to an end Picture 1The 7-year dispute over the iPhone patent between Apple and Samsung also came to an end Picture 1
The two sides temporarily stopped fighting, at least until the next lawsuit

The two sides temporarily stopped fighting, at least until the next lawsuit

It is still unclear why after all these years, this incident ended at this time. As Apple says, money is not the main issue and it is true that the compensation is insignificant for both companies. It seems that neither side is willing to end this symbolic war. Perhaps many years later (with many changes in leadership positions), they are no longer interested in waiting for the conclusion.

Apple and Samsung have another big lawsuit in 2014 and ended last year. In that case Apple won the $ 120 million lawsuit because Samsung violated the patent to open and some other licenses. The two sides still have some other disputes, but in 2014 decided not to bring them to court.

See more:

  1. Intel faces many class action lawsuits because of a chip security error
  2. Apple won Samsung, winning $ 120 million from the Slide-to-unlock patent
  3. Samsung is sued for copyright infringement on the Galaxy S line
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