Apple makes Samsung lose all billion dollars

According to the Wall Street Journal, Apple and Samsung are no longer partners this year and as a result of this disruption, Samsung lost nearly a billion dollars.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Apple and Samsung are no longer partners this year and as a result of this disruption, Samsung lost nearly a billion dollars.

While most people think Samsung is a company that only makes smartphones, TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, and dryers, it is also a chip manufacturing company for other companies' devices. . And Apple is one of the largest customers of Samsung's chip business.

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Samsung used to make chips for Apple.

Samsung has made chip lines inside the iPhone and iPad, they are called Apple chips A7 or Awhatever. The design of these chips was undertaken by a British chip company, but then Samsung will act as a manufacturer based on that design.

But this year, Apple chose TSMC chip maker in Taiwan to replace Samsung due to business conflicts. This decision made Samsung's chip manufacturing sector lose nearly 851 million USD this year. And also reduced to $ 197 million from production profits.

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The A8 chip is no longer produced by Samsung.

"The revenue and profit from its LSI (logic chip business) system has been worsened as customers' demand continues to decline, " said the head of Samsung's investment relations . However, according to the Wall Street Journal , this leader is referring to Apple as the cause of their losses.

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