Samsung will provide RAM for iPhone 6

Recently, a source said Samsung will return to the list of companies providing hardware to Apple despite constant litigation between the two companies in the past.

Recently, a source said Samsung will return to the list of companies providing hardware to Apple despite constant litigation between the two companies in the past.

Samsung will provide RAM for iPhone 6 Picture 1Samsung will provide RAM for iPhone 6 Picture 1

Apple and Samsung have a complex multidimensional relationship so far. Although the two companies are fiercely side by side to share the leading position in the smart phone market in the past few years and have also pulled together several times to go to court to resolve copyright disputes but beside they are also business partners.

Evidence is clear that Apple has used a lot of hardware components from Samsung for iPhone production over the years. And although Apple has repeatedly wanted to escape dependence on Samsung, it seems this is quite a difficult task.

Recent rumors related to the iPhone 6 show that Samsung may be one of the partners that provide a large amount of RAM for Apple products.

The cause of this comes from two major partners of Apple, SK Hynix and Elpida Memory, who have not agreed to increase the amount of RAM for Apple to produce iPhone 6. Therefore, there is no other way Apple has to go back to Samsung let the Korean company provide the remaining amount of RAM for the upcoming mass production iPhone 6 plan.

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