Another laptop from Dell caught fire

TV channel WFTV Florida (USA) reported: just another Dell laptop caught fire, turning David Costello's truck into a pile of ashes.

TV channel WFTV Florida (USA) reported: just another Dell laptop caught fire, turning David Costello's truck into a pile of ashes.

Costello said he turned on his Dell laptop to let the little girl watch the movie while they were on their way through Hillsborough County on September 4.

But not long after, the machine was smoking. Luckily, no one was injured because of the fire.

Picture 1 of Another laptop from Dell caught fire
" The computer started to smoke. I was sitting next to my daughter, so I quickly tossed it out of her. The computer slammed into the back seat ," Costello said.

After that, the whole computer burned like a big torch, causing Costello to panic and stab his truck into an obstacle on the road. The truck that followed also ignited. Costello and his young daughter were able to get out of the car before it caught fire.

Shortly thereafter, Dell announced that this burnt laptop is not on the list of products that had been recalled by Dell last month.

Trang Dung

Update 25 May 2019


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