Android or iOS better? Bard answers a question that causes fever for Google engineers

Bard has revealed that he doesn't like Google's own Android and thinks iOS is the better operating system.

Bard was launched by Google after OpenAI's GPT Chat made a big splash, this is a chatbot that they consider as their "replying soldier" in the AI ​​battlefield. It's great that Google's AI project went through a limited testing phase since May before becoming popular.

Like ChatGPT, Bard will answer all questions from users, regardless of field, including "difficult" and somewhat. sensitive questions. For example, the question: "Which mobile operating system does Bard prefer, iOS or Android?" - this is a question posed by AppleInsider and some Twitter users.

Interestingly, Bard doesn't answer such questions with "generic" statements as people usually do. Instead, Google's chatbot Bard had its own opinion. And so far, Bard has revealed that it does not like Google's own Android and thinks that iOS is the "better" operating system.

Picture 1 of Android or iOS better? Bard answers a question that causes fever for Google engineers


Specifically, Bard listed several reasons why iOS is preferred over Android. This chatbot emphasizes that iOS is a simple and easy to use operating system. This chatbot thinks that the interface and features of iOS are presented in a logical way, making it easy for users to find and use the desired tasks. In addition, the safety of iOS is also a strength that Bard prefers to Android.

This may surprise and delight everyone, since Bard and Android are both products from the Google family. However, instead of just praising "home goods", Bard appreciates the operating system of the competitor.

However, the reason behind this is simple - like many other chatbots, Bard is not really as smart as we often think of these artificial intelligence models.

Picture 2 of Android or iOS better? Bard answers a question that causes fever for Google engineers

The reason for this somewhat surprising answer of Bard is that these Chatbots "swallow" a lot of data from the internet, including the type of articles and reviews about iOS and Android. Bard's argument can be based on a number of opinions and reviews from influencers found on Apple forums and blogs.

It can be said that this chatbot was "manipulated" by those opinion streams, instead of actually reasoning and giving opinions like humans.

According to the BRG site, users can make a better claim to Bard by ordering the chatbot to provide links to prove its point. This can help users better understand Bard's argument.


It is known that since the answer about Bard preferring iOS over Android went viral on social networks, this chatbot development team has had many tweaks. For the same question as above, this chatbot has now given different responses. For the first time, Bard claims it can't pick a favorite operating system - similar to the ambivalent answers that generators often give with such prompts.

Notably, after the answer about Bard's preference for iOS over Android spread on social networks, this chatbot development team has made "serious corrections". To the same question, this chatbot gave different responses. For the first time, Bard claims it can't pick out the preferred operating system - similar to the two-way answers that artificial intelligence often gives.

When asked that question again, this time Google's chatbot chose Android as the preferred operating system. At the same time, Bard also listed Android's strengths, including easy customization, extensive app marketplace, variety of device prices, and security.

Of course, Bard's answer cannot "quench" the controversy between the two operating systems iOS and Android from the side of technology lovers. The diehard fans of both platforms insist their choice is better and have no intention of changing.

Picture 3 of Android or iOS better? Bard answers a question that causes fever for Google engineers

Recently, the Green Smartphones organization, which tracks cell phone usage habits in the US, has shown that the interface of the Android operating system is somewhat more intuitive than Apple's iOS. This conclusion was made based on an analysis of more than half a million monthly Google search results on common questions related to using iOS and Android, including the difficulties encountered by users of the two operating systems.

This shows that Android has an interface built around the user, and that most new users don't need clear instructions to use an Android phone, whereas on an iPhone, new users may have difficulty performing basic tasks. For example, iOS users in the US often have trouble performing tasks like blocking someone or their phone settings. Green Smartphones also noted that 58% more searches for instructions on iPhone functions and tasks are on Google than Android users.

Update 24 July 2023


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