8 signs of your being hated by colleagues

Every day to the office, you greet your colleagues and everyone is happy. But, have you ever wondered if everyone loves you?

Every day to the office, you greet your colleagues and everyone is happy. But, have you ever wondered if everyone loves you? Does anyone really hate you and you don't know? The following 8 signs will be the key to help you find the answer very quickly.

1. Based on hunches

If you feel that someone does not like you, it may be because you are self-deducing or may be right. If they were to treat you completely differently than everyone else, chances are you're not on their "favorite" list. Believe in hunches and keep trying with another sign to reinforce this judgment.

2. Don't smile when you approach

Except for personal problems and "bullets" by your boss, whenever you come close and a colleague doesn't seem to be affable, they certainly don't like you.

Picture 1 of 8 signs of your being hated by colleagues

3. Say bad things to other colleagues

Gossiping and finding ways to defame you with others is the way an "anti" will do. So, if you do not do anything wrong but suddenly the rumors of false rumors about you appear, the main informant who you are looking for.

4. Cold

If you say "Good morning" to a colleague but the answer is "OK" or "Uh" for a continuous period of time, they definitely don't want to communicate with you. Also, this is one way they are trying to warn you that "Don't bother me anymore".

5. Do not look at you when talking

It's hard to look straight into someone's eyes that you don't like or are a bit unhappy. So if a colleague never uses "eye-contact" with you, they are definitely having problems with you.

Picture 2 of 8 signs of your being hated by colleagues

6. Never invite you

Do you realize that every time you go to lunch, cafe or party outside, they always invite everyone and leave you out. They are trying to send you a message.

7. Everything is via email

Even when sitting next to each other, they never talk to you. All business exchanges and trivial things are usually done via email, Skype, Viber or any other internal messaging software. And of course, they never use their personal phone numbers to send messages or call you, for simplicity, they don't care about you.

Picture 3 of 8 signs of your being hated by colleagues

8. Always reject your opinion

Every time you speak, someone immediately rejects it. Although the words are very light, they never show support for you. Perhaps, the feeling of hatred is so great that they can't find any good ideas from the idea you give.

Update 24 May 2019


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