8 pages of the most prestigious electronic newspaper in Vietnam today

Here are 8 reputable electronic newspapers that are trusted by many readers, please refer.

Today, the online newspaper has become too familiar with readers. In Vietnam, there are hundreds of websites that bring all the 'hot' news happening all over Vietnam and the world every day. However, it is this development like 'rushing' that leads to the situation of shocking news, sensational news, and inaccurate news being spread by online newspapers in order to attract offensive and annoying viewers. . Therefore, choosing a reputable online newspaper to read news is essential. Here are 8 reputable electronic newspapers that are trusted by many readers, please refer.

Dantri.com.vn newspaper

Picture 1 of 8 pages of the most prestigious electronic newspaper in Vietnam today

Dan Tri newspaper was established in 2005 and is an electronic newspaper directly under the Central Vietnam Study Encouragement Association. Over the past 14 years, this electronic newspaper has grown, attracting a large number of visitors in both Vietnamese and English versions. With a huge amount of news every day, this website provides selective social news, culture, education . accurate and fastest to readers.

Vnexpress.net newspaper

Picture 2 of 8 pages of the most prestigious electronic newspaper in Vietnam today

Vnexpress is one of the few reputable electronic newspapers and is appreciated by readers today. Vnexpress always updates hourly the important economic, political and social news at home and abroad quickly, honestly and selectively. This page also has viewing sections with articles by many senior authors in areas such as teachers, doctors, businessmen . giving readers new perspectives on ongoing issues. in social. Vnexpress newspaper offers readers both Vietnamese and English languages.

VietNamNet.vn newspaper

Picture 3 of 8 pages of the most prestigious electronic newspaper in Vietnam today

VietNamNet is the online newspaper of the Ministry of Information and Communications of Vietnam, always giving the latest news according to the event flow, ready to aggregate 24 hours and 7 days a week. The newspaper is available in both Vietnamese and English.

Newspaper nhandan.com.vn

Picture 4 of 8 pages of the most prestigious electronic newspaper in Vietnam today

The Nhan Dan Newspaper is the oldest and most prestigious newspaper in Vietnam, the paper newspaper was born in 1951 and the electronic newspaper was formed in 1998. The Nhan Dan newspaper provides readers with economic news, society, politics, culture . in the country and the world have been carefully selected, ensuring accuracy and honesty. The newspaper has special sections that attract the attention of many readers such as the focus on the most outstanding event of the day, in the week .

Newspaper laodong.vn

Picture 5 of 8 pages of the most prestigious electronic newspaper in Vietnam today

The Lao Dong Newspaper is an official newspaper of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor. The information on the labor website is carefully selected, updated quickly and accurately to help readers access the domestic and world news most effectively.

Newspaper doisongphapluat.com

Picture 6 of 8 pages of the most prestigious electronic newspaper in Vietnam today

Life & Law Newspaper is the central agency of the Vietnam Lawyers' Association with a journalism principle: Attractive as life - Accompanying the law. This website provides readers with news in a variety of styles including news articles, photo news and videos on life, law, business, sports and entertainment.

Newspaper thanhnien.vn

Picture 7 of 8 pages of the most prestigious electronic newspaper in Vietnam today

This is the forum of the Vietnam Youth Union. Coming to this newspaper, readers will have access to the political, economic and social news at home and abroad quickly and fully.

The article has a very interesting column, "I Write," evaluating and analyzing clearly the issues that are happening everyday by readers and reporters.

Vov.vn newspaper

Picture 8 of 8 pages of the most prestigious electronic newspaper in Vietnam today

News on the website of the Voice of Vietnam radio is selected, edited and translated accurately to be sent to readers. Therefore, the accuracy of the news on this newspaper is always appreciated by readers.

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Update 14 September 2019


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