6 lessons I learned after 6 years of college

As I said, I don't know much but there is one thing I'm always confident of: education never ends. So whether you go to college or not, never stop learning.

Is college worth the investment in your time and money? And what do you learn in college?

When it comes to studying, I like learning by experience. So, from this point of view, college is not necessary for me. But I studied, for 6 consecutive years.

Most friends and peers like me never went to college. They just go to work. But this was strange enough, I didn't just go to school, I also loved it.

I spent four consecutive years learning frantically to get a bachelor's degree in business and two years later, I went to graduate school to major in marketing but at another school.

People often ask me:

"Should I go to college?"

"Should I quit school?"

"Should my child go to college?"

"Do I need a degree to get a job?"

I don't think that in my position can answer all these questions. They depend on what you want to do with your life.

The only thing I can do is share with you what I have learned in those 6 years in college. Because, there are some extremely valuable things that I think I might never know without sitting on the lecture hall - the 6 biggest lessons in my study time.

1. Very interesting learning

Most of the professors who taught me were quite boring and this led to no learning at all.

Picture 1 of 6 lessons I learned after 6 years of college

However, it was fortunate that I also met some very enthusiastic teachers and they helped me realize an important lesson: Non-boring learning, boring new people.

The school will not be boring if teachers are passionate about what they teach and know how to express their passion outside to make students also affected by that intense passion.

So why not make students feel more interesting things? If they are still the only ones who give rules, how can learners feel interested in learning? If you still focus your attention on teachers, how can you understand how interesting learning is?

Learn actively and you will find learning is not as boring as you think.

2. The more you study, the less you know

During my university studies, for the most part, I learned the knowledge from professors, books and friends. Besides, as a business student, I also often have to work in teams and complete Assignment lessons. This has given me the opportunity to learn many useful things.

However, the more interesting thing is that, every time I have to do such tasks, I find that there are too many things around that I know very few answers.

Evaluate a person through his questions and not the answers - Voltaire.

Picture 2 of 6 lessons I learned after 6 years of college

That is the beauty of education. Fools think they know everything. But the more you learn, the less things you know.

Some people also go to college and they become ignorant people. Simple, because they take the degree so seriously and assume that it can make them great people. In fact, apart from that, they don't know anything.

However, college is not really related to being smart. We all have the same starting point: We don't know anything.

3. Thinking is also a skill

I said that I forgot about 95% of what I learned. But I don't care about that.

I don't understand why people MUST learn something they like. If you think that you should only study the subjects that you find interesting, you completely miss the best things in college.

The most valuable thing you will learn in college is the ability to think.

As long as you learn something, you will "force" your brain to think, think and that is invaluable.

5% of people think, 10% of people think they think and 85% of them would rather die than think - Thomas Edison.

We live in a world where everyone craves intelligence. How do you get there? There is nothing more than just practicing your brain. Learn to think and then one day you will become richer than ever.

4. Achieving something extremely difficult

University study is not as easy as you think. Those who say that studying with them is too ordinary and nothing difficult, they are equally trivial.

With only 4 years, to be able to attend all classes and study completely is not everyone can do. In addition, teachers will often make it difficult for you and yes, they should.

Picture 3 of 6 lessons I learned after 6 years of college

At college, you will realize that it is extremely difficult to achieve something. You will have to sweat and tear like soldiers who have to shed blood on the battlefield to defeat the enemy. Nothing is easy to call if you make a real effort and want to achieve something real.

But, you know what? Once you have achieved what you want, you will be very proud of yourself.

5. Experiment never wastes time or money

People often complain that they have chosen the wrong school, wrong field. Or sometimes you feel like you've wasted time, money and effort into the field of study that you don't want to go further in that area.

However, is there any other way that you think will help you understand yourself?Everything you do in life is an experiment.

If something doesn't fit, try another one. Perhaps, you will change majors, transfer classes or study to another field. Not important! As long as you don't die, all is fine.

Life is an experiment. The more you test, the better you get - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

6. There are many people who are very different from you

When you grow up somewhere, you think life is just that. You meet with the people you still meet, know the same thoughts, views, cultures . But, life does not stop like that. It is only a limited world because when you go to a different place, meet more people, you will find them very different.

University is a place for you to realize that. Entering university means you will get to know many new friends, teachers from many regions, even different countries. They live in different environments, with their distinctive culture, customs and practices, and this will help you become familiar with many new thoughts and thoughts.

Imagine going to college just like you are starting a journey into another world - a life completely different from what you once thought in high school.

6 years of college, I met and worked with a lot of people from many different countries like South Africa, China, Korea, Romania, Germany, America, Canada, Brazil, India . I also have a better view of this world, about people around me and more importantly, I understand that we are all the same - but, also very different.

It is not only the beauty of the university, but also the beauty of life.

So, if you have a chance, go to college. If not, try learning in another way.

As I said, I don't know much but there is one thing I'm always confident of: education never ends. So whether you go to college or not, never stop learning.

Update 24 May 2019


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