13 famous inspirational lessons about life from Steve Jobs

Life will be much easier if we learn valuable lessons from life, especially from successful people. Here are 13 famous inspirational lessons about life from Steve Jobs. Invite you to consult!

Life will be much easier if we learn valuable lessons from life, especially from successful people. Based on the movie " Jobs ", wrote about the life of the Apple co-founder - Steve Job , the author
CJ Goulding has realized some simple lessons based on Steve Job's personality described in the film. Here are 13 famous inspirational lessons about life from Steve Jobs . Invite you to consult!

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Do not limit your study to compulsory classes or programs

Have comprehensive human knowledge. Seek different experiences in life

" I don't deny the value of higher education. I simply say that it comes with the cost of experience ."

According to " Jobs" director Joshua Michael Stern, Steve Jobs feels the experience of life is extremely valuable in creating. Director Stern brought important scenes into the film, showing that young Steve Jobs attended a calligraphy course at the university and visited Daniel Kottke - a friend in India. " It is very important for Steve Jobs to embrace culture, art, history. He always experiences and applies those experiences to his products, " Stern said. This is one of the most important principles we can learn from Steve Jobs: " Life experience is a necessary condition for creative development ."

Do not hesitate to challenge others

From the beginning of the film, we can see that young Steve Jobs is not afraid to overcome the limits of himself and others to achieve higher successes. Jobs didn't care about emotions, but only worried about the goal that game designers were aiming for. Steve Jobs is not interested in " playing well " or not, only interested in those who achieve the desired results. This continued, culminating in Steve Jobs challenging the Macintosh team, reviving the project. If something goes wrong around you, make it known and make the necessary changes. If someone is doing something wrong or not fulfilling the promised task, a good benevolent person needs to challenge them and make them do it properly.

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Learn how to negotiate

Negotiations take place every day in our lives, whether you realize it or not. Knowing how to negotiate and negotiate is an important skill, helping you avoid selling yourself cheaply or cheating on other organizations but this skill is not taught regularly. Creating a win-win situation at the end of the negotiations will create a great impression in the eyes of the enemy, thereby enhancing future opportunities for cooperation.

Do hard things

At one point in the biopic about Apple co-founder, when challenging Daniel Kottke's attitude and professional ethics, Jobs showed his determination by making more than 200 phone calls, most of them unsuccessful. public. 200 calls! It is an example of a successful person like Steve Jobs willing to do such boring things to succeed in life.

Be consistent!

Sometimes live hits bạn trong đầu với một khối. Don't lose faith .

" Sometimes life will hit your head with bricks. Don't lose faith ."

It is important to realize that success in life is not a destination, but a tired journey, including boring jobs. You may have to call up to 200 phone calls and be rejected only to find out what to look for in the 201th call. But don't give up! You will learn a lot of valuable lessons from that journey and become better at the end of the journey. Remember that scientist and inventor Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times to create that filament light bulb!

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Learn how to market yourself effectively

Know your own values ​​and don't sit still

" If you haven't found it yet, keep looking until your heart tells something ."

The vital thing is to know exactly what you want and show it correctly. This tip applies to both work and private life, confident when applying for a job or the first date for example. Underestimating yourself will limit your potential, whereas the illusion of your own values ​​will make you obsessed and troubled.

Ask for great things from people around

" Be a measure of quality. Some people are unfamiliar with the environment that requires perfection ."

In the journey to bring individuals towards success, you can recognize some people who are not in the same direction. Get rid of people who are not suitable for you and ask those around you to not be complacent. Always making requests for perfection is an effective way to help others reach their limits.


Be a leader, don't be an expert

" Initiative helps us distinguish a leader and a follower ".

Even during Apple's start-up phase, Steve Jobs realized that when he had a big idea and a vision, he could not accomplish anything alone. Steve Jobs, along with his vision, recruits talented people in the field who wish to be dedicated. In this way, the number of completed jobs is much greater than what he does on his own and, of course, he has time to focus on new ideas, refine old products. Designers, communications directors, CEOs can do better in their field, but only Steve Jobs has a strategic vision, which is the cause and motivation for them to work every day. In life, as a leader, it is important to always look at the picture, not to fall into unnecessary details.

Please work with ĐAM MÊ

You must be passionate about what you have chosen, otherwise you will not be patient enough to complete it. You have to find what you love . Work will take up most of your life, and the only way to be satisfied and do the things you think is great. And if you haven't found it yet, keep searching until your heart tells you to find it.

Refer to some more articles:

  1. 12 weekend routines of successful people in the world
  2. Rare photos of the first days of Apple
  3. 20 most famous Steve Jobs inspirational sayings

Having fun!

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