3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

You want to compress photos to store more. Or reduce the image size to facilitate the sending of photos quickly. Today, TipsMake.com would like to send to you the Top 3 best photo compression software for free on your computer. Let's t

You want to compress photos to store more. Or reduce the image size to facilitate the sending of photos quickly. Today, TipsMake.com would like to send to you the Top 3 best photo compression software for free on your computer. Let's keep track of what are those 3 software.

Picture 1 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

1. Caesium software

Caesium is probably the big name and is used by many people to compress images. With a simple, easy-to-use interface, it works even faster to reduce the size of every image. Certainly with such advantages Caesium must be mentioned first.

You can visit the homepage to download the software at: https://saerasoft.com/caesium/

Picture 2 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

Step 1 : To perform batch image compression, select Open files orpress Ctrl + Shift + O to add the image you want to insert into the software.

Picture 3 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

Step 2 :

Next in the software tool section:

(1) Compression Options:

- Quality : image quality will be reduced. The lower the quality, the smaller their capacity. TipsMake.com recommends leaving the Quality level at 80 to maintain good image quality.

- Same for all : Check if you want to perform on all selected image files.

- Format : Select image format.

(2) Output Folder:

- Click [.] to select the folder containing images after compression.

- Keep Structure : Check the box for the software to save the location of the saved folder.

Picture 4 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

And here is the result:

Picture 5 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

2. Light Image Resizer software

The usage of the Light Image Resizer software is almost similar to the Caesium software.

Download the software at:


Step 1 : After downloading and installing, to use the software, you can use the trial version of the software. You can edit up to 100 photos in this trial version.

Picture 6 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

Step 2 : At the interface of the software, you choose one of 2 items:

- Add Files: Let you choose each image you want to compress.

- Add Folder: Select the whole folder when you have compiled the images you want to compress into a certain folder.

Picture 7 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

After choosing the image you want to compress, select Next .

Step 3 : In the Options tab, you set the options of the output image file as:

- Profile: Size of the output image.

- Resize: If there is no size you like in the Profile section, you can completely adjust the size manually here.

- Destnation: Select the folder containing the output image.

- Quality: The image quality, the lower the image quality, the smaller the image size.

Picture 8 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

After setting up some basic options. You choose Process for software to perform image compression.

Step 4 : Software in the process of performing image compression

Picture 9 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

Picture 10 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

Step 5 : After completing the process, you access the folder containing the output image and enjoy the results.

Picture 11 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

Picture 12 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

As you can see, the size of the folder has been reduced by one third when it comes from 22.8MB to only 7.74MB

3. Fileminimizer Pictures software

The final software in this article that TipsMake.com wants to send to you is called Fileminimizer Pictures - the software can help users to reduce the file size arbitrarily and can batch image files simultaneously.

You can download the software at the home page:


The interface of the software:

Picture 13 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

Step 1 : To compress the image you perform the following steps:

(1) Select Open Files: To open the folder containing the images you want to compress.

(2) Add to List: Select to add photos to compress to the list.

(3) Remove from List: Remove certain pictures from the compression list.

(4) Select [.] to set the folder containing the output images.

(5) Settings: Check Custom Compression to enter the Custom Settings to set the output image.

Picture 14 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

Step 2 : Customize the Size as well as the quality of the output image. Then select OK .

Picture 15 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

Step 3 : Then the software will return to the original interface. Now you select Optimize Files.

Picture 16 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

And the result is:

Picture 17 of 3 Best photo compression software on computer for free

Above are 3 software that can help you batch compress images on your computer best and completely free. TipsMake.com hope you can choose for themselves an appropriate software to help you perform image compression as you like. Good luck!

Update 19 May 2020


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